Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Finally an explanation for all those lesbos!

Yikes. Who knew?

In a podcast interview, ex-gay fundie Janet Boynes is spreading her message of homo-recovery.

Here we learn that "From what I know I believe there’s 80% of women, between 80 and 85% of women that are struggling with homosexuality were either raped by someone they knew or somebody outside of that normally there’s some type of rape or some kind of molestation in our past."

Where this ridiculously made-up stat comes from, who knows.

Um, then how does this marvelous statistic explain the other 25-20% of lesbians who weren't victims of sexual abuse/assault?

And might I add, where is the stat that shows how many women WERE assualted that AREN'T lesbians?

Who is Janet Boynes you ask?

A "former lesbian" who speaks at bible-thumping conventions to let other sinners know that they can be cured from homosexuality if they accept Christ.

As in Jeeeeesus Christ, are you kidding me lady?


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