Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Kaiser Updates

From Kaiser:
The Michigan state Department of Community Health recently announced that in 2005, 25,209 abortions were performed in Michigan, the lowest number of recorded abortions since the state began detailed recording of the procedure in the 1970s, the Detroit Free Press reports. According to the health department, 11.9 abortions per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44 were performed in 2005, compared with 12.8 abortions per 1,000 women in 2004. Health department spokesperson Geralyn Lasher said that the agency attributes the decline to programs aimed at reducing unintended pregnancies. Restricting access is more like it folks.
In 1987 the number of abortions and the abortion rate peaked at 49,098 and 22 abortions per 1,000 women, respectively. Since 1988, when state voters approved a measure that banned Medicaid coverage for abortions among low-income women, the number of abortions performed annually in Michigan generally has declined, according to the Free Press. Yes, its called forced pregnancy.

More Good Jersey News:
The state Senate on Monday voted 31-6 to approve a bill (S 1195) that would require pharmacists to fill prescriptions for any drug, including contraceptives, the AP/Cherry Hill Courier Post reports. The bill also would require pharmacies to refer patients immediately to another pharmacy and have the prescription transferred if the drug is not in stock. The bill now goes to the state Assembly for consideration.

And back to Reich Madness:
House Republicans this summer plan to bring to a vote a series of bills they are calling the "American Values Agenda," which include a bill (HR 356) that would require some women seeking abortion to be told the procedure can cause fetal pain and a bill (HR 1357) that would ban human cloning, the AP/ABC News reports. The fetal pain bill would require abortion providers to tell women seeking the procedure at 20 weeks' gestation or later that there is "substantial evidence" that fetuses can feel "substantial pain" during abortion procedures. Both of the bills are expected to be debated on the House floor "in the coming weeks and months," according to the office of House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio). "Through this agenda, we will work to protect the faith of our people, the sanctity of life and freedoms outlined by our founding fathers," House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) said.
Who's "our" people? The twisted and foaming interest groups in their pockets?
And "sanctity of life"? Who's life? The lives lost in the war? Or the lives lost to death warrants signed by all the hypocritical "pro-life" nest of vipers?
Sounds more like "Reich Values Agenda" to the way, the "substantial evidence" they claim is not supported in the medical community, where study after study says fetal pain begins in or around 26-28 weeks. Again, The Christian Taliban's constant refusal to accept proven medical findings is part of their spin-agenda.
Lies, lies, lies.


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