Friday, June 30, 2006

Quote of the day and Link-A-Dink

"Bush is insulated -- his staff smiles a lot and only gives him the news that he wants to hear. Unfortunately, they still have this delusion that they create their own reality."-Al Gore, in a Rolling Stone interview.

At a hearing on June 29, the first woman elected to lead the Oglala Sioux tribe, Cecelia Fire Thunder, was removed from office with five months remaining in her first term. Link.

The anti-choice group Operation Rescue purchased a Kansas building that housed a clinic--and then they evicted them. Wichita now has only one clinic that performs safe, legal abortions.

Charlotte Allen of the "Independent Women's Forum" (don't be fooled--they are an anti-feminist organization!) is up in arms about the recent recommendation that girls be vaccinated against some of the cancer-causing strains of HPV. Cause the slutbag whores should die!

A new anti-choice project attempts to pair single, pregnant women with anti-choice men. It's called “Grooms for Life.”

Carey Roberts has developed the TWELVE-STEP FEMINIST CURE. I hate you.

It looks like Minnesota is going to be giving a shitload of money to the same “crisis pregnancy centers” that others are trying to regulate due to false advertising and scare tactics that intimidate women into not having abortions. This is a part of the “Positive Alternatives Act” that was passed last year.

Peace activist Carol Fisher, the 54-year-old woman who was arrested and ordered to a psych unit for posting anti-war, anti-Bush World Can't Wait posters, is still in jail. What a democracy.

The “Roe v. Wade for Men” case results are in. "Frivolous"...imagine that.

The All Girl Army is up and running. Check them out!

This could very well be the hottest-ever condom ad. The website address translates as "The King of Condoms" and the tagline is "Go ahead, we've got you covered."

Psychological therapy for sex offenders can reduce re-offending rates, but does not provide a cure, a study says. Via BBC.

MSN has a survey of "why men cheat." U.g.h.

Via WCCO, on March 30, Minnesota Timberwolves center Eddie Griffin was drunk and masturbating when he crashed his luxury SUV into a parked Suburban outside a store in Minneapolis. I guess its true that women are better at multi-tasking.

"The Warren Buffet donation of billions to Bill Gates means killing womb babies agencies will get more money to kill womb babies."--Pastor Skank, I mean Swank. Everybody Loves Swank.

Susie Bright recently wrote an essay on a percieved universal decline in male libido. Yawn.

Obama: Democrats Must Court Evangelicals. "We cannot abandon the field of religious discourse. ... In other words, if we don't reach out to evangelical Christians and other religious Americans and tell them what we stand for, Jerry Falwells and Pat Robertsons will continue to hold sway."

Maxim's 100 Things You Need to Know About complete bullshit, with winners like this: "Never trust the woman who gives you the best blow job you’ve ever had." MAXIM ONLINE. Die, Maximum Bullshit.

Pamela Anderson protests fur by going naked. All previous photos of her naked? Not protests. These photos? Protests. Huh???


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