Sunday, June 25, 2006

Weekend Link-A-Dink

Time magazine covers the new HPV vaccine-- and arguments for and against making it mandatory for public school enrollment.

The current issue of Seed contains a list of over 450 species that practice homosexual behavior. Fun times had by all.

Dang, you know when the National Right to Life expresses concern over the Wire Hanger State's abortion ban, there is dissention among the freaks. Priceless.

Actress Anne Hathaway described her her experience with "The Devil Wears Prada" co-star Stanley Tucci. "He would just smack me in my boob and elbow me," Hathaway told journos at the New York premiere. "If you're a girl, you know that hurts, so, after about the fourth time, I finally said: 'Stanley, can you please stay away from my t - - s?' He got really flustered and he responded: 'What do you expect? You're flinging those melons around like it's harvest season.' " Um. W.T.F.

Senator Feingold was at his best this morning in an interview with Tim Russert on NBC Meet the Press. Video -WMP Video -QT

MSNBC has a predictable article about how women get off on monogamy and men don’t. Way to reinforce age-old gender stereotypes!

Parental notification for abortion is likely to be on the California ballot once again, although it failed at last attempt.

Think female genital mutilation only occurs in thir-world countires? Think again, click here and learn about clitoridectomies performed in the U.S. in the 1950s to--imagine this--stop female masturbation, "melancholia," "promiscuity," and to "cure" lesbianism. Dirty whores.

Dick Cheney said that the Miami 7 were "a very real threat." Except, after actually investigating, there’s ample reason to believe that’s not the case.

Senator Harry Reid has proposed a new bill that would strengthen and expand security for judges, prosecutors, witnesses and their families in the wake of Darren Mack shooting Judge Weller. Where is the added security for abused women?
Also to note: Darren Mack has been captured. He turned himself in in Mexico. When police searched Mack's house after the shootings, they found bomb parts in his bedroom.

Pedophelia is alive and well...59 year old James Woods, who said of his twenty-year-old girlfriend: “She has it all: beauty, brains and charm. I knew her when she was a little kid.” Is that when she ran around in her underoos?

Time magazine covers the new HPV vaccine-- with arguments for and against making it mandatory for public school enrollment.

On Thursday, just as the vote to renew the Voting Rights Act was about to take place, some members of the Republican Party met behind closed doors and decided to stall the vote. Their reason? That some of the requirements of the act were no longer relevant to key southern states that historically have tried to prevent African Americans from voting. Two Congressmen from Georgia, Lynn Westmoreland (10 Commandments Man) and Jack Kingston, led the movement to delay the vote, and they were joined by 78 other Republicans.

In New Hampshire, Another Case Of An Angry Divorcing Guy Threatening A Judge.

Carbon Paper: A letter about a personal decision that conservative newspapers refused to print.

Canada is planning to raise the age of consent from fourteen to sixteen. Stay away James Woods.

Absolutely appaling! ABC News reported last week about a sexual assault case of a disabled woman in Colorado Springs, where the district has refused to take up the case that the woman’s parents filed because their expert claimed the attack was “pleasurable” for the victim.


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