Monday, July 24, 2006


South Dakota Republicans are fighting amongst themselves over what to do about party members who opposed the state's abortion ban.

A public pool in New Zealand bans child nudity to "minimize the risks" posed by pedophiles.

The Guardian has an article about the media’s obsession with women’s bodies.

The first issue of Australian feminist magazine Wo! hits newsstands August 2.

Recently, AlterNet ran a couple of features about the chronic sexual harrassment, sexual assaults and rapes of U.S. soldiers by U.S. soldiers. Go figure.

Check out this photo of George W. Bush "playfully slapping" Congressman Al Green at the NAACP convention. Lately, Boy-in-the-Bubble's sense of ownership and entitlement is becomming all too apparent.

Missouri's corrections department plans to fight a judge's ruling that they must provide transportation to women inmates seeking abortion.

Police and church authorities are facing serious questions over how a married priest suspected of being a pedophile was set free to carry out a horrific series of sexual assaults involving hundreds of children across the UK, via

The Happy Feminist has a good post up: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome: a Confusing Springboard to Prejudice.

New Hampshire's Supreme Court is considering whether a convicted rapist got a fair trial after a man who posted disparaging comments about the case on the internet later became foreman of the jury that voted for the conviction. Convicted rapist cites juror's blog in appeal.

A hypocrite in the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales resigned following newspaper claims his former girlfriend had an abortion nearly 20 years ago.


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