Friday, July 28, 2006

Twisted Language

The Michigan House on Wednesday voted 67-38 to approve a package of bills (HB 5879, HB 5880, HB 5881, HB 5882, HB 5883) that would require abortion clinics to determine if women seeking abortions are undergoing the procedure because they have been intimidated or coerced, the AP/ reports. The bills also would make coercing and intimidating women into seeking an abortion illegal and would give coerced women the ability to file a civil lawsuit. State Rep. Stephen Adamini (D) introduced an amendment, which the House did not support, that would have made it illegal to coerce a women into undergoing or not undergoing an abortion. Opponents of the bills say the legislation discourages women from seeking abortions, but advocates of the measures say that the bills attempt to "crack down on domestic violence," the AP/ reports. "It is not about abortion," state Rep. Judy Emmons (R), a sponsor of the bills, said, adding, "It is about domestic violence ... all aspects of domestic violence and how it affects women." Adamini said the approved legislation violates a woman's constitutional rights and is discriminatory. The bills now move to the state Senate for consideration.

Hey idiot, most victims of domestic violence do not inform their partners of abortions, for fear of retaliation. Also, the rate of lethality triples during pregnancy. It is the most dangerous time for women in domestic violence relationships. Violence increases, you assbag.
Do any of these lobotomized robots ever actually do research?
Do they ever actually back up their foaming mouths with fact or science or reason?
So, who is going to prosecute these men for "coercing"? And what will these know-all legislators do to protect these women from their abusers once they get out and are furious they were arrested? As always, none of this does anything to actually address the problem of domestic violence.


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