Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act

This new bill states that at 20 weeks an unborn child can experience pain and that the abortion methods most commonly used in the second trimester of pregnancy "cause substantial pain to an 'unborn child.'" Yet, almost all empirical science proves otherwise. But hey, the fetus fanatics have interest groups to appease. There is no credible research proving pain at such an early stage, in fact, the research has been consistent to be around 26-28.

The bill also has disturbing language that I must address. It defines a woman as "a female human being who is capable of becoming pregnant"--so post-menopausal and infertile females aren't real women? And what of transgendereds? Although one could not become naturally pregnant or maybe even at all...it is again defining women as mere vessels for the supreme fetus.

The statute also informs us that the "unborn child may experience substantial pain even if the woman herself has received local analgesic or general anesthesia." The idea that drugs administered in labor might not reach the fetus will bewilder pregnant women who have been scolded for decades that everything from cocaine to a glass of wine go immediately, directly and dangerously to the fetus. And since we are supposed to be treating our bodies as pre-pregnant robots, having a cat affects the fetus...yet anesthetics don't? This will astonish doctors too, as all their research must be wrong. Doctors, eh. Who needs em? They don't know anything. However, bought politicians who have never been to medical school do, didn't you know?

It states that "there is a valid Federal Government interest in reducing the number of events in which great pain is inflicted on sentient creatures," yet only covers "unborn children." So what of the millions of BORN children who suffer excruciating disabilities and diseases? Again, the Republican ideology of caring only for the fetus on not the child is apparent here. Blindingly. What about the child who has cancer and has a single parent with no insurance..where are you Senator? What about the child that has sickle cell anemia and suffers dibilitating strokes? Who is caring for them?

Like the Unborn Victims of Violence Act and the Partial Birth Abortion Ban--it does not, on its face pose a direct challenge to the right to choose abortion. What it does is chip away at truth. It restricts access to safe, legal abortion. It lies.


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