Saturday, September 02, 2006


A Colombian news report on Tuesday "sparked controversy" after reporting that a Vatican official threatened to excommunicate physicians who perform abortions in the country, the AP/San Francisco Chronicle reports. The country's highest court, the Constitutional Court, in May voted to effectively legalize abortion in cases of rape, incest, to save the life of the woman or when the fetus is expected to die after birth because of severe fetal abnormalities.

SD Progressive has an interesting review of and their admission that the abortion ban does not have a rape or incest exception in it as they have earlier claimed. There are no exceptions in the abortion ban.

Three weeks before Tennesseans go to the polls to vote on a gay marriage Amendment, James Dobson will hold an anti gay rally in downtown Nashville.

Help get the word out about The Carnival Against Sexual Violence.

Sexually transmitted infections are the main cause of infertility in sub-Saharan Africa, where the condition often brings stigma and social consequences to women who do not have children, according to Helen Pilcher, author of a article published in the Aug. 31 issue of the journal Nature, PRI's "The World" -- a production of BBC World Service, PRI and WGBH Boston -- reports.

From The Associated Press: The Texas Medical Board has adopted rules for minors getting abortions requiring written parental consent forms that must also be notarized, officials said.

A federal judge rejected a gag order that could have kept lawyers and even President George W. Bush from publicly discussing the rape and murder of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and the slaying of her relatives. Read more here: CNEWS.

The Family Research Council will host the Lunatic Fringe, aka the Values Voters Summit, in Washington, D.C., on September 22-24.

Senator George "Macaca" Allen, who is fond of Confederate Flags, nooses and calling brown people monkeys, says Virginians don't care if racial slurs drop like excrement from the Virginia Senator's mouth.

Wal-Mart has formed a partnership with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, a move that Wal-Mart calls "a very sincere effort to reach out to people who are a significant part of our customer base."

A few weeks back, the Maryland Court of Appeals ruled that the reckless endangerment statute does not apply to women who take drugs while pregnant.

3 teenage girls get drunk, run into a 35 year old man who proceeds to rape the 14 year old. Judge Stephen Erber had this to say at sentencing: "They were silly, vulnerable and very drunk and the major complainant was clearly flirtatious," he said. Hell with gasoline drawers, you fuck.


At 6:33 PM, Blogger pilgrimchick said...

Brilliant statement at the end of this post. People in the US are ridiculous about abortion, and truly, it is all about some long-standing, Biblically based nonsense about "life" and the meaning of it. So much for equality of religious sentiment in the Bill of Rights. Apparently there is only freedom of religious thought, in the law and in every day life, for Christians living in the Bible Belt.


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