Sunday, March 25, 2007

Bu$h Attacks Women's Health Yet Again

In an appalling move made by the Bu$h MISadministration, the Office of Women's Health, a division within the FDA, had its budget slashed by 30 percent. The Office of Women's Health produces valuable health information and funds research to ensure that women receive the most appropriate drug doses and treatments. As you may remember, this was the office at the center of the debate to allow Plan B emergency contraception (EC) to be available over the counter. Why did this happen?

According to the Washington Post: "Women's health advocates inside and outside the agency suspect they are witnessing, at least in part, a long-anticipated payback for the trouble the office stirred during the prolonged debate over nonprescription sales of Plan B. Taking a position that chafed the administration's conservative base, the office had stood up for scientific research that had backed the safety and appropriateness of such sales." This incident is the just the latest attack on women's health and safety by the Bu$h MISadministration.


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