Friday, March 30, 2007

Jesus melts in your mouth, not in your hand.

NEW YORK-The Easter season unveiling of an anatomically correct chocolate sculpture of Jesus Christ, dubbed “My Sweet Lord” by its creator, has infuriated Catholics preparing to observe some of their holiest days of the year.

“This is one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever,” said Bill Donohue, head of the Catholic League, a watchdog group.

I would argue that priests sexually molesting children and those involved in the cover-up is the worst assault on Christian sensibility.

How about worrying about something that actually freaking matters, like violence against women or famine or war or HIV or child soldiers or global warming or child abuse.

It's a darn piece of chocolate. Eat up ya'll. Isn' that what you do every Sunday, with the symbolic eating of Christ's body and the drinking of his blood?


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