Saturday, April 28, 2007

April 26th: The Ask About Abortion Day

From the first televised Democratic Presidential Debate on April 26th: abortion, abortion, abortion. As always. Because for some reason, a personal decision has become politicized in this country.

Edwards is asked about abortion, 32 minutes in, he says the next President will decide who makes choices for women and their bodies. "I believe in a woman's right to choose, but this is an extraordinarily difficult issue for most Americans." Um, how about women make those choices? I don't like his wording although I know what he's getting at. And it's scary because he's right.

Obama's view on the Supreme Court decision, and the idea that "the public agrees with the Supreme Court's decision." He says, "I trust women to make these decisions with their doctor, their family, and their clergy. I think most Americans agree." He adds that we should move to areas where we agree, like prevention. Agreed.

Biden is asked if he'd have a "litmus test" for judges. He says he supports Roe v. Wade, and that the Supreme Cort decision was "intellectually dishonest" and "laid the groundwork for overturning Roe v. Wade. Kucinich, on the same question says Americans can support a "culture of life" that include health care and prenatal care, while respecting a woman's right to privacy. Agreed.

Dodd, about his vote to confirm Justice Roberts, says he's not sorry for it, but is disappointed in the Chief Justice. "Abortions ought to be rare, safe and legal," and a president should focus more on helping women avoid unintended pregnancy. Nice strategically safe language. And agreed.

All are asked about model Supreme Court Justices:
Ginsburg gets 3 votes, and Breyer one, no one else gets to answer the question because they took too long.

For more information about what candidates have said about the Supreme Court decision last wee, click here.


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