Saturday, May 19, 2007

Canadians buying 6-week gender determination test

A British company that sells a "Pink or Blue" home test that tells the gender of a fetus six weeks into pregnancy says it has been sending a couple of test kits a week to Canada. DNA Worldwide said it is getting dozens of inquiries from Canadians looking for the test of a blood of a pregnant woman. A U.S. company also sells the test online. "It's a little finger-prick that she puts into her finger and then we take a little blood sample, analyze it in our labs to find out if there's male DNA in her bloodstream," said David Nicholson, director of DNA Worldwide. Results come back within four to six days, and the company claims the test accurately shows the gender of the fetus 95 to 98 per cent of the time, if instructions are followed properly. The company began selling the tests online in April.

Get this in the hands of countries that are already having issues with sex-selective abortions, and you have just found a way around the legal system trying to fight it. Too many of these countries already devalue girls, hence the need to abort the fetus when sex is found to be female. Now, a little prick at home and off to the doctor you go. There will be no evidence that anyone "knew" the sex unless police just begin to raid random women's homes for these tests conveniently in the trash basket.

I'm not in favor of this in any way. The technology itself is not the issue, it is the potential for serious abuse. And until the severe inequality that exists between male and female feti ceases, which I doubt ever will, then technology like this is dangerous for all the wrong reasons.

(Click title for external link. Note: This article uses "gender", when the appropriate term should be sex.)


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