Friday, May 11, 2007

Most Ohio hospitals would not give EC to women

Here's some not-so-cool news:

In 2005, a survey revealed that of 151 Ohio hospitals, only two would give out the morning-after pill to women who called in looking for it -- even if they had a prescription. One in four even denied the drug for rape victims. For women, the results were surprising and appalling.

“I knew it was inevitable some hospitals would refuse to prescribe it," Kellie Copeland, the executive director of NARAL, said at the time. But even she was “horrified” at the results.

Two years later, NARAL conducted some follow-up research to see if policies had changed. Not so much.

Today, 56 percent of hospitals that responded said they would not provide emergency contraception. Seven percent still refuse to give the pill out to rape victims. 56 percent???

Let's hear it for compassion to rape victims!


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