Friday, May 26, 2006

It's my period and I'll bleed if I want to

Areas that the Pope is planning to visit, including the cities of Warsaw and Krakow, will be dry, with a ban on all alcohol sales while the Pope is in town.

Didn't Jesus turn water into wine? Or was that David Blaine? I get them confused.

And television advertisements for alcohol have also been banned, along with those for contraceptives, lingerie and tampons.

The decision about what to censor was determined by “teams of Catholic journalists.”

I could go on for decades about the contraception issue, but my tyrade will be directed at the most blatant hatred of women---the ban of tampon commercials.

Friggin' tampons???

Listen Pope bag-o-douche:
I am a woman.
I get periods.
It is a fact of life.
It is a part of life.
I am not ashamed of my periods.
I am not dirty because I menstruate.
I am not a whore because I menstruate.
I am not hysterical because I menstruate.
I am not going to apologize for having periods.
I am not going to pretend I don't get periods just to please you, old man.

A TV ad about lingerie and tampons must be too much of a reminder about women's dirty parts and their bodily functions.

I have come to believe that the Pope is an impotent little man who is afraid of women, thinks they are dirty and shameful, slutty sinnners who can not keep their legs closed and are the demise of this earth, can not be trusted to make their own decisions, and believes periods are a sign that women are evil because we bleed every month, yet do not die.

The End. Period.


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