Saturday, June 10, 2006

Open Link Thread

Courtesy of the BBC: "R. Kelly 'Sex Video' will be shown at Trial.
Prosecutors claim the tape was recorded when the girl in question may have been as young as 13. Along with defence lawyers, they had asked Judge Vincent Gaughan to restrict the viewing of the video to only himself, jurors and the legal teams in court. They claimed the contents were so explicit that they would embarrass the girl, who is now 21.
But the judge ruled there was no "overarching interest" in banning the tape from public view.
To call this heartless assbag, call (773) 869-3190 and tell him to at least pretend to be human.

Eve Ensler and the rest of the V-Day: 'Until the Violence Stops' Foundation are going to be holding an anti-domestic violence "festival" in New York City this month, Until the Violence Stops: NYC runs from Monday 12 through June 27.

Indian woman delivers rare identical quadruplets.

Biological Clock Tolls for Men Too - CME Teaching Brief - MedPage Today

What can I say about the abstinence idiots except- they are always good for a laugh.

The internet blog, Daily Kos, hosts the YearlyKos Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. This is the first convention of its kind bringing together bloggers & elected officials. On C-SPAN2.

Research finds differences in lesbian brains

The Rude Pundit weighs in on why Man Coulter is a c*nt and Andrew Sullivan explains why Man is "a drag queen impersonating a fascist".


At 12:41 PM, Blogger gefilte said...

I can't explain why she's a fascist, but I know why she looks like a drag queen:

Strap-on Veterans for Truth

At 1:57 PM, Blogger The Vagina Warrior said...

Too funny!...I've been saying it for years, I swear she's a man.


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