Sunday, July 30, 2006

Weekened Link-A-Dink

Women in the developing world who marry young are at increased risk for HIV/AIDS.

What do you do when your girlfriend doesn’t want to have sex with you? Why not show her a lesson by taking a bunch of stray neighborhood kittens and throwing them onto a busy street? Can we say “sense of entitlement”?

This photo, on the cover of the BabyTalk magazine, created over 700 disgusted letters of people who take offense to dirty boobies. This screams of the republican philosophy of "life begins at conception and ends at birth."

<--This is NOT pornography.

The NY Times profiles a conservative evangelical preacher, the Reverend Gregory A. Boyd, who’s getting fed up with the unholy alliance between conservative Christianity and conservative politics.

Six women were shot - one fatally - at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle by a man who told a witness he was upset about "what was going on in Israel." Six shot, one killed at Seattle Jewish federation.

A North Carolina judge ruled against the state's "fornication and adultery statute." Now it's OK for two people to "lewdly and lasciviously associate, bed and cohabit together" without getting married first. Isn't this 2006???

A man who allegedly lured underage girls to cemeteries via a vampire-related website has been indicted for rape and sodomy charges. Eric Fischer, 23, of Sayville, allegedly met girls on and arranged to meet them in Long Island cemeteries but the 13-year-old girl that he thought he would meet turned out to be an undercover cop with the Suffolk County police department. Vampire Fan Charged With Cemetery Rape.

One of the women who participated in a Catholic ordination ceremony to demand female priests has resigned from her job with the Archdiocese of Boston.

Postsecret is a project where people are encouraged to create their own postcards expressing a secret of theirs. This one is pure power.

A federal judge rules against a small university that violated Title IX, which requires equal funding for women's and men's sports.

The Dominican Republic legislature narrowly defeated an amendment to a bill that would have permitted abortions in cases of pregnancy by rape. I've said it before and I'll say it again: The Church=Forced Pregnancy.

The Alan Guttmacher Institute has an excellent national roundup of pending legislation aimed at reducing reproductive freedom. Gee, whoda thunk?

Check out this Washington Post article describes neurobiologist Ben Barres's experience as a man - and woman - working in the sciences.


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