Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Reich Opposes FDA Confirmation

Suddenly, the Fetus Fenatics have a probelm with Andrew von Bag-O-Douche.

Groups that oppose abortion rights are calling on President Bush to withdraw the nomination of acting FDA Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach to permanently head the agency because FDA might approve Barr Laboratories' application for nonprescription sales of its emergency contraceptive Plan B for women ages 18 and older, the AP/Houston Chronicle reports.

Funny how quickly they turn. Never was there a problem with Bu$h's nomination, not even a peep...until now...until this worm decided a DAY BEFORE his confirmation hearings to reconsider EC receiving OTC status. Whatev.

Wow. I never thought I'd say this, but it appears as if we agree on something. Just not for the same reasons. I oppose him because he's a lying worm. Because his sudden change of heart is transparent. Because he is a pawn of the Christian Taliban who incidentally turned on him like a rabid dog.


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