Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A Challenge

USA Today on Monday provided a summary of viewpoints held by various religious groups on abortion rights.

Abortion does not need to be a divisive issue. Nor does it have to be a divisive tool used repeatedly by the Christian Taliban. "America's religious communities show deep divisions and hardening positions on abortion," and "each side wants to present itself as the one true religious viewpoint on abortion," Tom Ehrich -- an Episcopal pastor, author, teacher and writer in Durham, N.C. -- writes in a USA Today opinion piece. But "there is no single religious position on abortion," with "mainline" churches wanting to maintain access to the procedure, "conservative" churches wanting to make it illegal, and a "sizable minority" on each side that opposes their churches' position on abortion rights, he adds. "As happens when a political or cultural issue becomes a religious cause couched in absolutist language and claims of divine sanction, compromise seems unthinkable," but "perhaps it's time for the common-sense middle to assert itself against both extremes -- in abortion and in the next hot-button issue," Ehrich concludes.

Right on mister. Non-evangelical churches need to take a stand. Quit standing there with your tail between your legs, you bumbling idiots. The majority of this country believes women should have access to safe, legal abortions. The result of no access to safe abortions?: 70,000 women die annually from unsafe abortions. Do we want that in this country? Although The Reich would like to have a fetal-utopia here in the US, they are severely out of touch with the American people. Care about women, eh? What are they doing to help those women so desperate to not be mothers that they would endanger their own lives? They do nothing--they sit and think of ways to strip women of choice. They secretly have meetings with the FDA to discourage them from approving emergency contraception over-the-counter status. They use language in bills such as "baby" and "life beings at conception"--a religious belief, not a medical one. ALL medical research tells us that pregnancy does NOT happen at conception, but rather at implantation. Why? Because a vast majority of embryos are expelled before implantation, hence---bypassing pregnancy.

Mainstream churches need to stand up to the recess bully and let them know that they can not be intimidated or threatened. Why is the minority of this country controlling everything? Because they are the most vocal. They are yelling the loudest. Well, yell back bitches! The "common-sense middle" needs to start acting like they actually have common-sense and stop letting crazy people do all the talking. Mega-churches have hijacked this country and are straight out of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Except they are breeding more members for their Church of the Poison Mind.


At 4:26 PM, Blogger pilgrimchick said...

Abortion, I think, was used in the previous two elections decisively as a means of polarizing the similar viewpoints of the opposing candidates. If that didn't need to happen--if one of the ridiculous people running for office actually had an opinion on an issue, for example--then abortion wouldn't have come to the forefront. What bothers me most about it is the fact that the majoritiy of people who have a comment to make on the issue have nothing to do with the issue at all. Churches that preach celibacy, MEN in political office--when did abortion apply to you? It never has, so they shouldn't even be alotted an opinion on a matter that doesn't concern them, and therefore, they cannot understand.

At 2:23 PM, Blogger The Vagina Warrior said...

I love your comments. They are so thought provoking.


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