Sunday, August 20, 2006

Weekend Link-A-Dink

Carnival of Feminists is up at: Being Amber Rhea.

Erase Racism Carnival at: Rachel's Tavern.

Anti-choice Feminists for Life purchased Susan B. Anthony's home for $164,000.

The UN Special Envoy on AIDS says the Bush administration is undermining global efforts to fight the epidemic. Imagine that.

Another suspect has been arrested on Tuesday for at least ten of the 400+ women in Ciudad Juarez who have been brutally raped and murdered since 1993.

Insensitive headline of the day: Breast implants linked to suicide, not cancer.

The Teen Endangerment Act may be unconstitutional.

In Canton, Ohio, a school board decided to expand sex education to allow for discussion on contraception after realizing that 13 percent of one high school's female students were pregnant.

The Alliance Defense Fund, a right-wing "public interest group," has devised this handy flow-chart of the homosexual agenda.

The Abstinence Clearinghouse is selling a Purity Ball Planner. Cause nothing beats the incestuous promise of virginity to your Daddy.

Pedophile James Woods has dumped his 20-year-old girlfriend. Seems she showed up to a funeral in a mini-skirt and the stress from her inappropriate behavior sent him to the emergency room. Boo-hoo, you perv.

Republicans are losing their hold on the "security mom" vote.

The Federal Pension Protection Act was signed by George W. Bush yesterday, in which two provisions will extend financial protections to same-sex couples.

The latest from Ellen Goodman: Reproductive Rights Victory -- in the Bush Era?!

The Kinsey Institute gallery is featuring a Sex in Cinema exhibit.

Women in Ghana are turning female condoms into fashion accessories.

A mousepad with a picture of a topless woman is being placed in internet cafes all throughout Hong Kong by a breast cancer organization.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach's article tell us how grossly unsexy breastfeeding is and how it can destroy your marriage. Um, ok.

A new survey released by the U.N. says that violence against Afghan women is widespread and “hugely underreported.”

Capitol Hill interns are dressing sexy to get ahead...or give head; see Monica Lewinsky for instructions.


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