Sunday, September 24, 2006


Mukhtar Mai, a Pakistani woman who became an international women’s rights activist after she was sentenced to be gang raped by a tribal council because of a crime her brother had committed, has started her own blog. Boo to the Hudood Ordinance.

The Michigan Senate on Wednesday voted 36-1 to approve two bills (SB 1416, SB 1417) that would require girls in the state entering the sixth grade in the 2007-2008 school year and beyond to have received Merck's human papillomavirus vaccine Gardasil, the AP/Detroit Free Press reports.

According to the Violence Policy Center (VPC), Alaska ranks #1 in the rate of women murdered by men.

A Chicago woman was awarded $2.4 million in damages, to be paid by the man who sexually assaulted her. The rapist, who was found guilty of misdemeanor battery, was sentenced to one year of "non-reporting supervision."

54 year-old Danielle Cornwell was fired last year after she told her employer she planned to undergo gender-reassignment surgery.

The Biting Beaver shares this infuriating blow-by-blow account of her (repeated) attempts to get emergency contraception.

Check out this op-ed in Ohio’s The Enquirer, "Let teens use emergency contraception".

The new Nepalese constitution recognizes reproductive rights.

The first campaign ads on the South Dakota abortion ban have started to air.

Pro-choicers across the country will be hosting potlucks the weekend of September 29th to show their support and raise money for the women of South Dakota.

Alabama approves a few more TRAP laws.

The Alabama Committee on Public Health on Wednesday unanimously voted to approve changes to regulations for clinics providing abortion services that would boost requirements for substitute physicians and increase the responsibility of medical directors, the AP/ reports.

Colombia's most popular telenovela is called "Without Breasts, There's No Paradise," and is about a flat-chested girl who gets implants to improve her life and ends up committing suicide.

What makes Focus on the Family's James Dobson come thisclose to swearing in the press? Republicans.

A new Norwegian law says that all public corporations there have a year to put women in 40 percent of boardroom seats.

Pregnant inmates face serious health risks.

Alan Moore's adult graphic novel Lost Girls sold out its entire first print run in one day, making it possibly the first piece of pornography to reach the Amazon Top 20.

There are more health warnings associated with the birth control patch.

A third grade teacher gave her students a handout showing an alphabet of pornographic stick-figures.

A recent study in the UK showed that women who attended single-sex schools have higher incomes than those from co-ed schools.

A New York abortion provider is being sued for "masquerading" as a crisis-pregnancy center.

Pennsylvania considers a bill requiring hospitals to offer EC to all rape victims.

The Advocate has released a guide to the country’s best 100 campuses for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students.

Doctors in China have removed the world's first penis transplant after the recipient and his wife reported a "severe psychological problem" with the surgery,

A female soldier goes AWOL--no, not to avoid war, to avoid sexual harassment.

Via AdRants : check out this disturbing evidence that "hot pregnant women are the new advertising hood ornament."

The FDA's Accutane registry tries to ensure that teen girls are on birth control, but the "message is that contraception goes with Accutane, not that contraception goes with preventing unwanted pregnancies."

Operation Rescue no longer has tax-exempt status. Praise Jesus!

A Serbian man attempted to have sex with a hedgehog in order to cure his premature ejaculation. According to the local hospital, "The animal was apparently unhurt. The patient came off much worse from the encounter. "

Rebiya Kadeer, a Muslim Uighur leader and former political prisoner, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace prize.

China has its first openly gay female pop singer.

Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis pleaded guilty Tuesday to violating federal laws designed to prevent the sexual exploitation of children and was fined $2.1 million.

A 19-year-old woman in Maine was kidnapped by her parents and nearly forced to have an aborion. This is something both sides agree on, just for different reasons is all. Pro-choice believes in choice. Where was her choice in this?
Portugal considers legalizing abortion.


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