Tuesday, April 24, 2007

An American Injustice

This case is...infuriating. I am completely against any form of rape, even statutory rape.

It begins to become blurry when 2 minors are involved in sexual acts, willingly. Cause every state has their own age of consent. It's often blurry because what happens when 15 year old Sue dates 16 year old Dave and they are engaging in consensual sex? What is blurry is when he turns 18 and she is 17. They have been in a relationship for 2 years now and both are consenting. Is he now guilty of statutory rape? Blurry.

What is NOT blurry, is that this case is blatant racism. This young man, under age himself, participated in a sex act with a minor. He happens to be black. A sentence of 10 years???
Coincidence? I think not. A white dude would never have gotten this harsh of a conviction and we all know it. The justice system sets up blacks in this country, hell just take a look at the prison population. While whites convicted of cocaine possession get light sentences, blacks convicted of crack are given steep and many times double or triple sentence time. Same drug, ya'll. Crack is cocaine in rock form. But because crack is viewed as a "black" drug, it is hardcore.

How many cases have I seen lately where judges let off rapists, even convicted rapists to probation or some bullshit rap? This guy is a victim. I wholeheartedly believe this.

The video shows a nasty contrast to a teacher who was on trial for having sex with a student. She is white. She's also an adult! Guess what she gets? Just guess.


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