Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!!!

Learn here how to go green as much as you can:

And women hold the world.
In hands small and strong, large and soft, gnarled and tough, they hold the world.
Smooth brown hands wiping the foreheads of the sick
Old weathered hands catching slick new babies
Strong calloused hands polishing sticks smooth as they dig in the earth
Clever skillful hands weaving and spinning and smoothing clay
Playful hands making string figures and shadow pictures and making music
Warm protective hands enclosing the small sticky hands of children
Artful hands, smelling of spices, baking bread and frying food
Educating hands, tilting beakers, writing on chalkboards, drawing pictures in the dirt
If the women of the world were a nation, they'd be the largest in the world.
Their hands bind a world together.
Take those hands. Hold them to your heart. Help those hands be strong and healthy and clever, wherever they may be.
The hands of the women who live on the wide cupped palms of the earth.
The women who cradle the world in their hands.


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