Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bomb found in Texas abortion clinic parking lot

Can someone please inform me why this isn't PLASTERED all over the news!?!

This is news man. A bomb? I mean c'mon.

AUSTIN, Texas - A bomb was left in a duffel bag in the parking lot of a clinic where abortions are performed, but a bomb squad safely detonated it.

An employee found the package Wednesday in the parking lot of the Austin Women's Health Center, authorities said. The immediate area, including nearby Interstate 35, was evacuated briefly.

The device "was configured in such a way to cause serious bodily injury or death," said David Carter, assistant chief of the Austin Police Department.


Tests later confirmed that the package was explosive. The regional Joint Terrorism Task Force, led by the FBI and including Austin police, is investigating.

Explosive! Yet, no news. I haven't seen ONE report on this on any major news station.

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