Britian's Boob Fest

Ministers in the UK may give all women the legal right to breastfeed in public as well as give breastfeeding breaks at work. Sweet.
The discussion has been brought up due to a memo signed by nearly 200 politicians, “The Breastfeeding Manifesto,” (awesome title) which brings up the health issues -- for mother and child -- that arise from women not being allowed to breastfeed during work as well as uses examples of breastfeeding women being forced to leave public spaces.
I've blogged about this before. If women's breasts hadn't been completely sexualized and not lost its actual reason for existence, breastfeeding babies would not been viewed as wierd or disturbing. Here in the US, people get crazy about seeing a woman feed her child. They think its gross. They sue stores. They force women into dirty bathroom stalls. Why? Why is it gross to view a natural course of nature? Why is it gross to see a woman's breast?
Because dem are dirty boobies, bad boobies. It is the inability to separate the over-sexualized society of porn-filled images with the natural, beautiful occurrence of feeding a child.
The discussion has been brought up due to a memo signed by nearly 200 politicians, “The Breastfeeding Manifesto,” (awesome title) which brings up the health issues -- for mother and child -- that arise from women not being allowed to breastfeed during work as well as uses examples of breastfeeding women being forced to leave public spaces.
I've blogged about this before. If women's breasts hadn't been completely sexualized and not lost its actual reason for existence, breastfeeding babies would not been viewed as wierd or disturbing. Here in the US, people get crazy about seeing a woman feed her child. They think its gross. They sue stores. They force women into dirty bathroom stalls. Why? Why is it gross to view a natural course of nature? Why is it gross to see a woman's breast?
Because dem are dirty boobies, bad boobies. It is the inability to separate the over-sexualized society of porn-filled images with the natural, beautiful occurrence of feeding a child.
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