Hate Dealer Fallwell Has Fallen

President Bush issued a statement after Falwell's death, saying, "Jerry lived a life of faith and called upon men and women of all backgrounds to believe in God and serve their communities. One of his lasting contributions was the establishment of the Liberty University, where he taught young people to remain true to their convictions, and rely upon God's word throughout each stage of their lives.
“Today, our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Macel and the rest of the Falwell family."
For so long Jerry Falwell has preached that homosexuality is a sin, the message being that we can be kind to gay people, but they will inevitably burn for eternity for this choice in lifestyle.
Where is God in this so-called "faith" that Bu$h speaks of? Discriminating and hating is not a family value and it is certainly NOT a value of faith.
Oh, and Liberty University is notorious for their strict moral code prohibiting homosexuals from attending the university. Yes, he taught young people alright...that only certain people are the children of God and that he is the one who decides who is and isn't.
“Jerry has been a tower of strength on many of the moral issues which have confronted our nation,” fellow evangelist Pat Robertson said Tuesday.
Aahh, Pat Robertson. THE Pat Robertson, known for foaming: "“Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.”
Wanting equality equates to all this??? Ok then.
A few of Fallwell's wonderfully self-proclaimed morals:
- He stood against the Equal Rights Amendment, pornography, abortion, homosexuality, gambling and rock music.
- In 1999, he told an evangelical conference that the Antichrist was a male Jew who was probably already alive.
- He warned parents that Tinky Winky, a purple, purse-toting character on television’s “Teletubbies” show, was a gay role model and morally damaging to children.
- Shortly after Sept. 11, 2001, Falwell blames gays, abortionists, the ACLU, and other groups for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
- He sold a video that accused then-President Clinton of crimes and calling him an "ungodly liar."
Like President Bu$h is? Or Gingrich? Haggard? Tobias? Gonzales? Cheney? Or the entire administration?
Falwell was re-energized after family values proved important in the 2004 presidential election. He formed the Faith and Values Coalition as the “21st century resurrection of the Moral Majority,” to seek anti-abortion judges, a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and more conservative elected officials.
During a campaign speech urging a return to social moderation, McCain referred to Falwell (and others) as "agents of intolerance." Yet, he bent over and took it in the ass for votes when McFlipper spoke at Liberty Univeristy in 06.
What will his legacy of hate, inequality and intolerance leave behind? Perhaps just that. At least it does to me. I extend my condolences to his family. While I never wish harm or death to my so-called adversaries, I must admit that I am deeply disturbed by his passing because when one falls another rises and replaces. And while Jerry Falwell represented everything I loathe and disagree with, he himself was not what I hated. His policies, his hate, his ideology is what I fought against. As with King George, it is not the man that I defy...it is what he represents.
Falwell was re-energized after family values proved important in the 2004 presidential election. He formed the Faith and Values Coalition as the “21st century resurrection of the Moral Majority,” to seek anti-abortion judges, a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and more conservative elected officials.
During a campaign speech urging a return to social moderation, McCain referred to Falwell (and others) as "agents of intolerance." Yet, he bent over and took it in the ass for votes when McFlipper spoke at Liberty Univeristy in 06.
What will his legacy of hate, inequality and intolerance leave behind? Perhaps just that. At least it does to me. I extend my condolences to his family. While I never wish harm or death to my so-called adversaries, I must admit that I am deeply disturbed by his passing because when one falls another rises and replaces. And while Jerry Falwell represented everything I loathe and disagree with, he himself was not what I hated. His policies, his hate, his ideology is what I fought against. As with King George, it is not the man that I defy...it is what he represents.
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