Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Big Government: It's True Because We Said So!

This from Kaiser:

The Louisianna House Committee on Health and Welfare on Wednesday voted unanimously to approve a measure that would require doctors to inform women seeking abortion about the availability of anesthesia to "eliminate or alleviate the organic pain" that the procedure might cause to a fetus, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports.

Under Representative A.G. Crowe's bill, physicians would have to provide women seeking abortion with brochures saying that at 20 weeks' gestation, "the unborn child has the physical structures necessary to experience pain."

I'm wondering where he is getting this new scientifc information. Where is this empirical evidence?

Every report I have read states otherwise.

In this LiveScience article, "A review of medical evidence has found that fetuses likely don't feel pain until the final months of pregnancy, a powerful challenge to abortion opponents who hope that discussions about fetal pain will make women think twice about ending pregnancies."

The researchers reviewed dozens of studies and medical reports and said the data indicate that fetuses likely are incapable of feeling pain until around the seventh month of pregnancy, when they are about 28 weeks old.

The article was also published in Journal of the American Medical Association, and the conclusions were are similar to the findings of a British panel released eight years ago.

In addition, a panel commissioned by Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health has been researching the issue over the past two years and "reached the exact same conclusions," according to PRCH Chair Wendy Chavkin (Maugh, Los Angeles Times, 8/24).

Bills requiring that women seeking abortions be warned that their fetuses might feel pain have been introduced in Congress and 19 states, with such measures recently approved in Georgia, Arkansas and Minnesota, the New York Times reports.

Legislation in Congress, known as the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act (S 51, HR 356), would require abortion providers to tell women seeking abortion at 20 weeks' gestation or later that there is "substantial evidence" that fetuses can feel "substantial pain" during abortion procedures.

Again, what evidence?
What "substantial evidence", what "substantial pain"?
Seems that interest groups are dictating to our politicians what is/is not science.

The federal measure would also require doctors to read a government-issued script.

Now they are telling doctors what to say regardless of scientific findings?

The Reich script includes the statement, "The Congress of the United States has determined that at this stage of development, an unborn child has the physical structures necessary to experience pain" (New York Times, 8/24).

Is it just me or does this seem a little too Brave New Worldish? Matrix? Anything with government-funded cloning of Reich zombies is what I am getting at here.

Who in Congresss is a scientist who has conducted empirical, peer-reviewed studies of fetal pain?

Who in Congress has NOT been influenced and bought?


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