Saturday, May 20, 2006

Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up?

Arizona state representatives voted in February to make it illegal for a woman to sell her eggs, but they refused to impose similar restrictions on men selling their sperm.

All hail the holy cock.

On a voice vote, the House of Representatives said that a woman who sells her eggs could be sent to prison for up to a year and fined up to $150,000.


Lawmakers also gave preliminary approval to a companion measure requiring that before women even donate their eggs, they be informed of medical risks. Here, too, legislators refused to warn men of the potential legal and ethical risks of donating sperm.

All hail the holy cock.

Rep. Bob Stump, R-Peoria, said both measures are necessary to protect the health of women. He also conceded that the medical risk remains the same whether the eggs are donated or sold. And nothing in his legislation makes donation illegal. really isn't about protecting women , or it would be illegal to donate as well.

It boils down to something so very simple: controlling women.

Several female legislators reacted angrily, saying this is really a question of whether lawmakers are going to treat men and women the same.

"I don't understand why a man could go out and sell part of his reproductive body … that a man can go and make money, but I as a woman cannot do it," complained Rep. Linda Lopez, D-Tucson.

While females understand how gender discriminate this legislation is, Stump said the disparate treatment is justified. And, he said, it has "nothing to do with gender politics."

There is never ANY justifiable reason for the Reich to decide what I can or can't do with my eggs.

Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Phoenix, said there is no reason to have one set of laws for men and another for women.

The Arizona Legislature will now be known as: The American Egg Board.

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