Friday, May 19, 2006

The Wire Hanger State's Billion Dollar Man

Jack Billion, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for South Dakota Governor, said he would not have signed a state ban on abortion that the state Legislature passed earlier this year, thew Associated press reports.

South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds (R) in March signed into law a bill (HB 1215) that bans abortion in the state except to save a pregnant woman's life.

Billion said the government should not involve itself in the abortion issue, adding, "I really think that government should be out of the business of dealing with personal health decisions, personal family and moral decisions."

Another democratic hopeful, Dennis Wiese, stated he would not have signed the ban either.

Wiese said that Rounds' decision to sign the ban demonstrated a lack of leadership.

However, he did add that he would not have signed the bill because he only would sign a measure that included "exceptions for the life and the health" of the pregnant woman.

So, it's not that you wouldn't sign it because you believe it's wrong to restrict's because it didn't have the correct restriction..I mean...wording.

Thanks, bag-o-douche.

Billion's got it right..the government has no place in my vagina.


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