Friday, June 23, 2006

Cat Killer on a mission to kill people too

Stem cells are "blank" cells that have the potential to develop into any type of cell in the body -- nerve cells, heart cells, kidney cells. This gives scientists hope that stem cells could treat illnesses like diabetes, paralysis, and Alzheimer's disease.

But one man in Congress is holding up a vote on this life changing research.

One year ago this month, the House of Representatives passed legislation to expand stem cell research. Yet so far, Senate Republican Leader Bill "Cat Killer" Frist, who is a doctor himself, has refused to schedule a vote in the Senate, caving instead to the herd of hypocrites.
The American people, and the people afflicted with these horrible diseases deserve better. This is a rare opportunity for Congress to significantly improve the quality of people's lives.
Tell Senator Frist: We want a vote on stem cell research!

Darth Frist also added a poison pill to the minimum wage amendment, which ultimately resulted in its failure. Thanks, bag-o-douche. As someone who worked for minimum wage back when it was 4.25, I can tell you that his pockets got fuller while mine got smaller. But hey, on June 14th, they all got a raise! Cause they need it, you know.


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