Wednesday, June 21, 2006

World Refugee Day Exposes the Ugly Truth...Now DO Something

Yesterday, CNN acted like real media...they exposed one atrocity after another. They covered World Refugee Day from sunrise to sunset. If you missed the coverage, here are the stories.

One of the stories they highlighted yesterday is the use of rape as a weapon in the Congo.

The reality is that rape is being used as a military weapon. Those who are poor and have few resources – like refugees – are most often targeted. In fact, poverty has been found to be one of the leading causes of violence against women.

A woman desperately needs our help. She’s been gang-raped in a Congolese prison and has a chance at asylum, but we need to move immediately.

"Monique was at her government job in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in January 2001 on the day President Kabila was assassinated outside her office. The military swept everybody there into detention. She was imprisoned and repeatedly interrogated, beaten and gang-raped by guards for the next six weeks.

"She was able to escape to the US, but now the United States government has denied Monique asylum based on the shocking rationale that being repeatedly gang-raped and beaten was nothing more than a "legitimate investigation.” She could be sent back to the Congo any day."

This is an outrage!!!

Click here to write Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and demand Monique be given asylum.

Click here to write CNN to thank them for their great coverage of World Refugee Day.


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