Thursday, June 22, 2006


This Link-A-Dink is in rememberance of what brave souls still must endure just for being themselves: hate and intolerance.

A Boise Bigot has complained that his local public library stocks such offensive titles as "The Joy of Gay Sex." Although the library has decided not to ban it, but instead place it on the high shelves (whatev), one of the library board trustees said he'd rather have his 9-year-old son start smoking than look at a book about gay sex. Cause dying is better than butt sex...didn't you know?

Who knew Arabs and Jews could agree on ANYTHING? Yes, I know...huh?
Well, it seems the religious zealots are trying to stop a gay pride parade on August 7 in Jerusalem. The Arabs and Jews are calling for a ceasefire so they can gang up on the gay folks.
With all the pressing issues facing these two groups, homosexuality is what brings them together? Will there be a day when humanity or love or peace or healing or smiles brings them together? Or the world for that matter?

The Episcopal church, after electing an openly gay man a few years ago and just days ago a woman, is now asking dioceses not to elect openly gay bishops. Bend over, homophobe.

A woman burned 100 books in the gay and lesbian section of a Chicago public library. Officials said it wasn't a hate crime, but ahh yes...if I had burned 100 books on Christianity, The Reich Robots would be screaming holy hell, wouldn't they?


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