Wednesday, June 28, 2006


The Second Carnival Against Sexual Violence is up over at abyss2hope.

PageOneQ reports that the Pentagon will reverse its listing of homosexuality as a mental disorder.

Rush Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at Palm Beach International Airport after authorities said they found a bottle of Viagra in his possession without a prescription. Limbaugh was released without being charged.
"I am not a hardened criminal," blowhard states firmly.
Not on your own at least, thats what the Viagra is for. Idiot.

WORD. Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains will be giving away free emergency contraception this Friday to protest Colorado Governor Bill Owen's veto of a bill that would have made the pill available over-the-counter. WORD.

An article in the Washington Post on Monday discussed a new study on the troubles of boys at school. Puke.

There are blogs and Op/Eds everywhere about Monday night's Rape scene on Rescue Me, that do everything from wonder why Rescue Me hates women, whether it was rape or consensual sex, or proclaiming the series has hit an "all new low". Let's see. Dennis Leary's character hits his ex-wife, rips off her shirt and forces himself on her, holding her down and penetrating her, while she protests violently, then he drives away with his shit grin. Hell with gasoline drawers.

What a stupid idea. Hooters' Benefit for L.A. Animal Services Is a Bust.

Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Brett Myers, 25, has been charged with assault and battery after he assaulted his wife in front of numerous witnesses. He beat his wife in public, with several witnesses, yet Mike Teevan, a spokesman for Major League Baseball said: "We're obviously very concerned about it. But it was an off-field incident and it's the player's private life. We're going to let the legal system run its course." How is a public beating private? Domestic violence is EVERYONE'S business, bag-o-douche. Cause the MLB can't lose a star pitcher over something as trivial as a wife-beating, eh???

Bitch PhD has a women's and men's thread for "honest" talk about sex: what you like, what you don't, in response to the "blow-job" firestorm that has struck the blogs lately. Fun by all.

Up until Monday afternoon, Right to Life of Montana had been endorsing Shawn Stuart, who’s running on the Republican ticket in Butte’s House District 76, but is also the Montana contact for the National Socialist Movement, described as “America’s Nazi Party” on its Web site. Idiots. Seems he "slipped throught the cracks", but that's lame because of all the press coverage!

A new statistical analysis, published this month, shows that poor and uneducated women have fallen farther behind their more affluent peers in their ability to control fertility and plan childbearing. D.u.h. Give women the tools to prevent unintended pregnancy and they will. The problem is, a lot of women aren’t getting those tools.


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