Saturday, June 10, 2006

"Pro-life" is a term also known as hypocrisy.

Okla. Governor Approves Executing Molesters

Oklahoma on Friday became the fifth state to allow the death penalty for certain sex crimes.

Under the measure signed by Gov. Brad Henry, anyone convicted twice for rape, sodomy or lewd molestation involving children under 14 can face the death penalty.

South Carolina's governor signed a similar law on Thursday allowing the death penalty for offenders convicted twice of raping children younger than 11. Louisiana, Florida and Montana also have laws allowing the death penalty for certain sex crimes.

This is what happens when people elect anti-choice democrats:
Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry, who singed this murder legislation, without comment signed into law a group of five anti-choice measures. These laws include a parental consent (not notification) rule that for the first time will require minors in Oklahoma to obtain the approval of at least one parent prior to obtaining an abortion. The law also requires doctors to lecture women seeking an abortion about fetal pain, and treats the fetus as a legal human being when crimes are committed against a pregnant woman.

This is the ideological hypocrisy of the "pro-life" zealots.

While I understand the emotion and the sense of urgency around this issue, I do not support this legislation. I am anti-death penalty, even in cases of child rape or molestation.

I know many who would disagree with me, but civilized countries need to find other ways of punishing their citizens without state-sanctioned murder.

We are one of the only "civilized" countries that still practices the brutal act of killing criminals.

It is also proven that capital punishment does not deter crime rates whatsoever.

Besides the "pro-life" hypocrisy. King George says our nation needs a "sanctity of life" yet signed more death warrants as the governor of Texas as any other governor in history.

Again, only when it conforms to their morality.

It is only who The Christian Taliban desides who gets to live and who gets to die.

The King's brother, Jeb!, is all for "pro-life" rhetoric, even signing unconstituonal laws in the middle of the night to save one woman, yet signs death warrants left and right.

Who's life are you for?
Oh yea, only the ones who adhere to your idea of morality and ideology.

Not only does lying and hypocrisy run in the Clan of the Bush Crooks, but so does killing.

The Bush Crooks have blood on their hands.


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