Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Reich and the HPV Vaccine

A truly brilliant article in the Seattle Times, Obsession with virginity is deadly public policy, is definitely worth reading. It describes The Reich's opposition to vaccinating girls against cervical cancer because girls are supposed to be virgins on their wedding night.

Here is the 411. There is a vaccine that is 100% effective against HPV strains 16 and 18, the strains responsible for the majority of cervical cancer cases. HPV is contracted sexually.

Yes, having sex increases the likelihood of contracting an STD. And yes, true abstinence is a sure bet against those horrible, ugly warts. Or that nasty reputation.

However, the reality is that some teenagers won't remain abstinent. Some kids don't have parents that are involved in their lives. Some girls are raped. Some kids aren't even Christians that are held to morality-based value systems. Eh, imagine that!

A recent study found that supposed "virginity-pledgers" engage in high risk sexual activityat higher rates than non-pledgers, such as oral and anal sex. The majority of these pledgers also do not use contraception during first intercourse, (thanks abstinence-only education!) increasing their chances of contracting a virus. They are less likely to know their STD status, hence the high possibility of spreading it to their partner and having serious health complications later in life. The study also found that over 88% of these "virginity" pledgers have sex before marriage. What a shock.

Instead of truly educating our youth with medically-accurate and age-appropriate sex classes, a recent congressional report found that over 80% of abstinence-only programs are providing inaccurate, misleading, false and religious ideology to our youth. No wonder they do not know how to use contraception, or even where to get it. Some states are now even trying to pass legislation to require minors (girls) parental permission to receive birth control at health departments. Way to be a part of the problem of the highest rate of unintended pregnancies in the industrial world.

The Reich is opposed to this vaccine that kills over 30,000 women a year because they fear it will promote sexual activity. Like they aren't already. What do you think they are doing in the basement while you are preaching your ignorance? The Fetus Fanatics at Focus on the Family originally fought the vaccine becoming available because they believe it to be a slut-serum. Right, cause when I got my tetanus shot I decided it would be fun to hurl myself on each and every rusty nail I could find. When I got a malaria shot, I did not find this to be a green light to drink water from malaria-infested waters. A vaccine does not equal promiscuity. Nor does it encourage it.

The Christian Taliban's willingness to expose their daughters to a fatal disease because they fear promiscuity is disgusting. They would rather their daughters die then be the whores they are for having sex. Imagine an 11 year old girl being raped by a neighbor and contracting HPV because her parents refused to vaccinate her because of THEIR beliefs. Because of their sex-obsessed extremism, their daughter could die. Thanks Mom and Dad. Thanks for killing me because you think virginity is the only thing I can offer that is valuable. Not my opinions or my strength or my dreams or my potential to this world. No, none of that matters, just my untainted vagina.


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