Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women is being used by "socialist feminists" to impose a liberal agenda around the world, Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America, said Wednesday at the monthly luncheon of the Conservative Women's Network, which was co-sponsored by the Heritage Foundation and the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, the Washington Times reports. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee in July 2002 approved the treaty despite objections from the Bush administration and some conservatives' concerns that the treaty could advance abortion rights.

The international treaty -- which is intended to remove barriers to gender equality in health care, employment, housing, politics and other areas -- has been ratified by 170 other countries. Farhan Haq, a spokesperson in the New York office of the U.N. Secretary-General, on Thursday said CEDAW is a "legal instrument that is upheld by a large number of member states at the United Nations" and "endorsed by governments running across the political and religious spectrum." He added, "The issue of women's rights is a part of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to which all nations adhere".

Boy King, Concerned Women for America and their zealot following do not care about women. What are they doing to absolve the majority of HIV cases in Africa--that being women? They are forcing moral ideology onto these countries and holding life-saving medicines and money hostage by demanding these countries follow their rules, i.e abstinence-only. No mention of abortion. Cause we all know that nothing is worse than abortion. Not even people dying horrible deaths in filth-lined streets that they share with the local vermon. Millions dying horrible deaths. MILLIONS.They would rather women die than allow them to decide for themselves how they want to live their lives.
What are they doing about the maternal death rate for women in Somalia? 1 in 6 women die during childbirth. What are they doing, these so-called "advocates of women"? They are doing nothing. They are buying politicians. They are infiltrating and poisoning our medical communities, such as the CDC. The are infecting our scientific communities, such as the FDA.They are hiding behind their lies and hypocrisy as they fool people into believing they care, when in reality all they care about is saving the unborn. They do not care for the living. We see this as they sign death warrants, as they slash funding for low-income women to receive medical services including birth control, leave millions of American uninsured and sick and restricting our nation's youth from learning age-approparite sex education to prepare them for the real world by enforcing morality-filled ideology onto them.
Yes, thanks for caring for women. Thanks for nothing you nest of vipers.


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