Sunday, August 13, 2006

New Poll Says Women Favor Democrat

Harris Interactive Poll: "If elections for Congress were held today, 45% of Americans say they would vote for the Democratic candidate and 30% would vote for the Republican.

Women favor the Democratic candidate by a 50% to 28% margin."

However nice that is, 40 million women did not vote in 2000. 22 million were single. While 68% of married women voted in 2000, just 52% of unmarried women did. The conclusion: Single women often felt their voices weren't heard and didn't count. Had they voted, the world would today be different, as Al Gore would be President. Instead, so-called "security moms" reelected a man who they thought would secure the lives of their families.

The marriage gap--the difference in how single and married women vote-- was clear. Married women tend to mesh with their husband's political affiliation while single women tend to lean towards progressive issues that affect them, but do not vote.

In 2004, Bush won 47 percent of women (WTF?)(up from 43 percent in 2000). Imagine if single women had out-voted the Security Moms. This is mainly due to Kerry's insistence on aligning himself with Bush's platform of appealing to the American people about terra, terra, terra. While Bush was winning the security moms, formerly known as soccer moms, and any woman who was married, Kerry was losing more and more single women. The "marriage gap" was again affluent in the 04 elections. In fact, it was 38%. "I don't define it as a problem," he told the New York Times. A very cheery analysis by someone who certainly knows a Democratic victory is impossible without strong female support.

Women: You are the majority in this country. Your voices count. YOU COUNT. Your vote decides this country's fate. Want change? Make that change. Vote. Bring your friends to the polls. Do NOT sick back and let politicians decide what is best for you--only you know what is best for you. Married, single....VOTE. True democracy depends on the vote of its citizens. Without your vote, there is no true democracy occurring.


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