Saturday, August 12, 2006

FDA Expected To Approve EC OTC Status For 18+ Only

The FDA's expected approval of Barr Laboratories' emergency contraceptive Plan B for nonprescription sales to women ages 18 and older is a "victory with a big asterisk" because it is "hard to celebrate policies and politics that subject girls to bigger hurdles and solidify the message that motherhood is their punishment for sex," Boston Globe columnist Ellen Goodman writes in an opinion piece. According to Goodman, the arguments in favor of an age restriction on nonprescription sales of Plan B are "matters of unscientific belief" because the drug "does not change the night-before behavior, ... nor does it replace ordinary contraceptives." She writes that if Plan B advocates are ready to celebrate approval of the medication for nonprescription sales to women ages 18 and older, "it's because we have to take the deal that's on the table." Goodman adds, "We are about to get easier access to Plan B," but nonprescription access only will be a complete victory when the drug is available without a prescription to women of all ages.

You said it sister. There is NO scientific evidence ANYWHERE that is is dangerous to women under 18. Another divisive technique to restrict access to women that will have consequences. A girl who is 17 who needs EC needs it as much as an 18 year old. The politics of women's autonomy is venemous.


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