Domestic Terrorist Caught

Paul Ross Evans has been charged with use of weapons of mass destruction, manufacture of explosive material and violating freedom of access to clinic entrances, according to a statement issued by the Austin Police Department.
"We've got an ongoing investigation into him and all of his particulars," said Erik Vasys, a spokesman for the FBI. Evans was on parole for a burglary conviction, authorities said.
It contained an explosive powder and two pounds of nails, said David Carter, assistant police chief.
Had the bomb detonated, it could have injured people 100 feet away, police said.
Evans is in federal custody and being held without bond. He could face up to life in prison if convicted on the weapons of mass destruction charge, Vasys said.
Yes, this is domestic terrorism to any crazies who insist that terrorists are only brown people with towels on their heads. Using weapons to intimidate, threaten and cause bodily harm is terrorism. From the dictionary, DT is: "terrorism practiced in your own country against your own people".
They never learn. Their message of "murder" is wrong so lets murder the murderers is...futile. Come up with a new plan ya'll. Violence solves nothing. Learn how to use your mouth against things you disagree with. Why is this world so quick to utilize the "easy" way out by using violence instead of dialogue and debate? Also, I doubt the G-d they pray to would aprrove of this means of spreading a message. They never think of the innocent people who get caught in the line of their hatred. Ever think about a mailman happening along or even a woman walking inside? Whether the doctors performing abortions are innocent or not is based on opinion and one's value system and let me tell you something killer man, your opinion is YOURS. I don't agree. Are you gonna kill me too?
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