Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A One Woman Show

At The New School's graduation commencement, a lone woman stood her ground. A lone woman inspired a nation.

Choosing to ditch her prepared speech, which she discusses at length on the Huffington Post, Jean Rohe chose instead to shred a man whose soul is so wretched, it makes people vomit in their throats.

The man slated to speak was John McCain. Yes, Senator John McCain.

Ms. Rohe utilized her time to rip apart McCain's "stock" speech that he has previously spewed at 2 other universities and to affirm to everyone that "the senator does not reflect the ideals upon which this university was founded."

John McCain's recorse was to proclaim "I feel sorry for people living in a dull world where they can't listen to the views of others," he said, and to have his aide Marl Salter publicy attack Rohe by saying Rohe "succeeded in making herself look like an idiot."

Listening to others is mutual sir!

But I ask you: Having people question your integrity and not believing your horrific lies are worthy of being labeled dull and incapable of listening? Of looking like an idiot?

How about people are sick of your hypocritical positions?

Salter writes, of Rohe and her graduating class, that it's "unlikely any of you will ever posses the one small fraction of the character of John McCain."

Read her speech here and see why Bitch McCain is crying in his shoes.

And Jean Rohe Responds to Mark Salter here.

Salter deperately attempts one last stab by stating The New School "could learn a thing or two about tolerance and respect from the students of Liberty University"

Jerry Falwell's Intolerance University?

The man you once claimed was an "agent of intolerance", Senator?

Oh yes, the Christian Mob and its sheep are SO known for their tolerance and respect.

Being brainwashed, lobotomized puppets that attack others with hate-filled venom are hardly what I would call upstanding, moral individuals.


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