Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Death Of Equality

Women are second class citizens. In other countries, they are viewed with such disregard that they are aborted based solely on their sex. This is a tremendous problem, as in certain countries the ratio of girls and boys is widening at such speed that eventually the country will face enormous problems. The problem of women being viewed as inferioir and less worthy to society is resulting in forced abortions in China because of the one-child policy act. This allows couples in rural parts to have a second child if their first born is a girl. Meaning, "let's hope the next is a boy" because they can work in the fields and produce more for this family. If its a girl, they either abort, are forced to abort by government officials, or abandon the baby on the side of the road. These girls end up in orphanages where rich Americans adopt them for being just so darned cute. Some of these places treat the girls like slaves, forcing them to perform labor fit for adults. They neglect medical treatment. They isolate barely-alive girls into "dying rooms".
In parts of India, sex-selective abortions are occurring for the same reasons. Girls and women are viewed as disposable itmes, not worthy of being contributing members of society. The AP/Christian Post reports that an Indian couple has been arrested for allegedly aborting female fetuses, a practice that is illegal in India (India in 1994 approved the Prenatal Determination Act, which bans the use of technologies such as ultrasounds and sonograms for the purpose of sex-selective abortion. The law also bans advertisements for prenatal sex determination, as well as the practice of preconception sex selection law). About 35 decomposed fetuses on Wednesday were recovered from a well near a hospital in Punjab, India, where female fetuses often are aborted. An official on the case stated: The man, Pritam Singh, "under the guise of running a maternity clinic, ... carried out illegal abortions and killed female fetuses" and "dumped the fetuses in a well behind the clinic". Singh Mohi said, "A nurse has made a statement saying she has been working at the hospital for one-and-a-half months, and during this period 12 or 13 female fetuses have been destroyed."

Disposable. Useless. Unless and until this world demands equality in ALL forms--women will continue to suffer and die.


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