Friday, August 25, 2006

The FDA Approves EC, But Only For Adults

Must report about EC. At 9:20 this morning, the FDA's approved Emergency Contraception over-the-counter status for women 18 and over.

Women's advocates are greatful to finally have access, yet are severely dissapointed that the FDA once again bowed to pressure from the Bush MISadminstration, as well as fundamental interest groups. NO scientific evidence exists that EC is dangerous for minors. It didn't exist 3 years ago when the FDA's own expert panel recommended EC for women 16 and older. Yet today, it is only available for adults. Is there new evidence proving otherwise? New research? No, there is only the insulting fact that women must get carded for birth control. How truly gender-specific discrimination. The rationale behind not approving EC for minors is that it might encourage promiscuity in them whores. Cause boys always get carded for boxes of condoms, right?

Here are some articles about the approval: FDA OKs 'morning-after' pill without a prescription.

FDA Approves Nonprescription Sales of Plan B for Women Over Age 18 -

Statement from NOW President Kim Gandy: FDA Decision is a Victory for Millions of Adult Women, But Leaves Young Women Vulnerable.

And Debra Ness, President of the National Partnership for Women & Familes had this to say:
"We are delighted that, at last, more American women will get access to a safe and effective method of reducing unintended pregnancies. But denying over-the-counter access to Plan B to women under age 18, when the research shows that it is safe for women of all ages, is arbitrary and baseless. It should not stand.
We should be working together to reduce teenage pregnancy in this country, not withholding a safe method of contraception from women and girls who need it.
The FDA still has a credibility problem. It owes the nation an explanation as to why it ignored a 23-to-4 vote for approval by its own panel of scientific and medical experts for so long, and why it is imposing an age restriction not supported by scientific research now.
Americans deserve an agency that will reject politically motivated delays and decisions, like these."

Update: President Bush during a news conference on Monday said that he supports prescription-only access of Barr Laboratories' emergency contraceptive Plan B for minors and that he supports acting FDA commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach's decision to consider approving nonprescription sales to women ages 18 and older, United Press International reports. Bush said he believes Plan B "ought to require a prescription for minors." He added, "And I support Andy's decision" (White House transcript, 8/21).


At 2:38 PM, Blogger pilgrimchick said...

I especially liked your point about guys not having any restrictions on their acquisition of birth control methods--aka condoms. They even hand them out at clinics--oh, but that's not the same as having possibly created a "life" with "rights" apparently even before there's any assurance of actual pregnancy, and even then, in favor of the "right to life" for a bunch of cells, we forget the "right to life" of at least one of the people who created it.
Nice society.


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