Monday, July 31, 2006

In Michael Schiavo's Own Words: Excuse Me, Mr. Lieberman?

Via Daily Kos

"In the media and political circus surrounding my case a few people stood out. Tom Delay, of course. Rick Santorum and Bill Frist. President Bush.
And Joe Lieberman.
Not only did Joe Lieberman support the illegal political intervention in the private and legally protected decisions of my family, he went out of his way to defend it. On national television.
So when I thought about going to Connecticut to remind voters what Joe Lieberman really thinks about family values and personal privacy, I didn't have to think too long.
Last Friday Ned Lamont and I stood between Connecticut's historic Capitol and Supreme Court speaking to reporters (video) about Joe Lieberman's disconnect from average Americans.
But it was Joe Lieberman's comment while I was in Connecticut with Ned Lamont that should show everyone Joe Lieberman still doesn't get it."

Michael Schiavo's diary :: ::

"According to press reports, Lieberman said, "It's time for politicians to let Terri Schiavo rest in peace."
Mr. Lieberman, where was your sense of compassion for Terri last year when you went on "Meet the Press" to say politicians should get involved?
Mr. Lieberman, you, Tom Delay, Bill Frist, Marilyn Musgrave and other right-wing politicians thought Terri was a prime political issue then.
Mr. Lieberman, I must have missed your passionate speech on the Senate floor about how this issue, this case, my family was not a cause for politicians. I missed it, Senator, because you never gave such a speech.
When it came time to count hands and be heard, Mr. Lieberman, you threw in with Bill Frist and George Bush.
And now that you're in a fight for your political future and down in the polls you want politicians to "let Terri rest in peace."
I'll bet you do, Mr. Lieberman.
I bet you want nothing more than for voters in Connecticut to forget what you did and what you said. But I went to Hartford this week to make sure they would not. And I hope they do not.
Ned Lamont, Mr. Lieberman, is everything you are not. He understands that our bedrooms, hospital rooms, hospices and churches are not where we want our government. Ned told me, and the voters of Connecticut, that this issue was one of the reasons he decided to run for Senate.
He's right. And I have a feeling that the voters of Connecticut know it.
Ned Lamont has my full and unconditional support. And he needs yours too. If you haven't been to his website, please go. Volunteer, donate and get involved.
You can also help us keep the pressure on Lieberman and the other politicians who acted like he did. Visit my PAC website - TerriPAC. We need your help too.
With your continued help, we'll elect a great Governor in Florida and two new members of Congress in Colorado: Peggy Lamm and Angie Paccione. But TerriPAC is just getting started and we're counting on you to keep us going and let us know where we need to be next. "

Travolta "Lucky" He Has A Penis

John Travolta recently spoke about how his body has changed over the years.

"I know I have a love handle or two, but I'm lucky that at this stage in my career, it's not hurting the work I do."

Of course it doesn't, John. You're not a woman. You're not held to the same brutal beauty standards as half the population of humans. So get bent.

Girls Feel Pressure...What's New?


"Usually a guy will get with a girl," says 16-year-old Dan Johnson, "and just try to get it like within a month, you know? Just go straight to it, you know? Like achieve a goal." According to new research from Indiana University Medical Center, 40 percent of teen girls admit they have agreed to sex even though they really didn't want to.

This isn't news--boys having a "goal" of "getting it". Boys competing against other boys for a number on the notch, which elevates them to a super-stud level, while the girl becomes reduced to a second-class commodity.

Most South Dakotans would reject abortion ban

A poll conducted by the Argus Leader and KELOLAND-TV shows that most voters in South Dakota would reject the state’s sweeping abortion ban.

47% want the ban repealed.

FDA May Move on Plan B

This morning, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notified Barr Laboratories Inc., manufacturer of Plan B emergency contraception (EC), that it wanted to meet within seven days to discuss new steps the company must take to make Plan B available without a prescription to some women. The announcement comes one day before President Bush's nominee to lead the FDA, Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, is scheduled to appear before a Senate committee, where he is expected to face tough questions on why a decision has not yet been made to make Plan B available without a prescription.

NARAL Hero and Zero

HERO: Senator Maria Cantwell - Pro-Choice Incumbent from Washington
Putting Congress back into pro-choice hands in 2006 means taking down anti-choice candidates, as well as protecting the seats of pro-choice incumbents like Senator Cantwell. She has long been an ally of pro-choice Americans -- co-sponsoring the Freedom of Choice and the Prevention First Acts, and casting principled votes against John Roberts' and Samuel Alito's nominations to the Supreme Court. Here at NARAL Pro-Choice America, we're working hard to make sure Maria Cantwell is re-elected so she can continue her work in the Senate, protecting the values of personal freedom and privacy.

For her steadfast support of a woman's right to choose, Maria Cantwell gets July's Election 2006 Hero of the Month Award.

ZERO: Senator George Allen - Anti-Choice Incumbent from Virginia
It's hard to know where to start with this anti-choice fanatic. Senator Allen has been on the wrong side of every choice-related issue since he joined the Senate in 2000. He voted to let violent clinic blockaders avoid paying fines associated with their illegal acts by declaring bankruptcy. Not only that, he's rubberstamped each of Bush's extreme anti-choice judicial nominees, including J. Leon Holmes, the infamous nominee who compared pro-choice advocates to Nazis and abortion to slavery.

This month, Senator Allen's anti-choice record earns him the honor of Election 2006 Zero of the Month. Hear this, Senator Allen -- your unyielding assault against the values of personal freedom and responsibility is coming to an end.

Click here to see the other candidates that NARAL Pro-Choice America has endorsed.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Pic Of The Day

Quote Of The Day

“We're not going to defeat this ideology until we … go out with sufficient confidence in our own position and say, this is wrong. It's not just wrong in its methods, it's wrong in its ideas, it's wrong in its ideology, it's wrong in every single wretched reactionary thing about it. And it will be a long struggle, I'm afraid.'' — Tony Blair.

Although Bu$h's Bitch was talking about terrorism, this can obviously be applied to ANY wretched reactionary ideology. Hear me loud, Bozo.

<--wretched reactionary ideologue.

A Shackled Delivery

Pregnant inmates forced to give birth in shackles. Not only is this inhumane, it is symbolic of the treatment of women in this society.

According to this New York Time article, this is a common practice and only two states forbid it.

According to an Amnesty International U.S.A. report, 23 state corrections departments and the federal Bureau of Prisons currently enforce policies that allow pregnant inmates to be restrained during labor.

Only recently have states addressed this cruel practice. Read here: California Legislature Considering Bill That Would Ban Shackling of Prison Inmates During Childbirth.

I think it’s a metaphor for what this nation is doing to women in general, let alone in prison. We are forced to reproduce against our wills, forced to give birth in chains like slaves to the patriarch, as we are mere vessels for the supreme fetus. We are bought and sold like cattle, institutionally owned, and silenced.

Weekened Link-A-Dink

Women in the developing world who marry young are at increased risk for HIV/AIDS.

What do you do when your girlfriend doesn’t want to have sex with you? Why not show her a lesson by taking a bunch of stray neighborhood kittens and throwing them onto a busy street? Can we say “sense of entitlement”?

This photo, on the cover of the BabyTalk magazine, created over 700 disgusted letters of people who take offense to dirty boobies. This screams of the republican philosophy of "life begins at conception and ends at birth."

<--This is NOT pornography.

The NY Times profiles a conservative evangelical preacher, the Reverend Gregory A. Boyd, who’s getting fed up with the unholy alliance between conservative Christianity and conservative politics.

Six women were shot - one fatally - at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle by a man who told a witness he was upset about "what was going on in Israel." Six shot, one killed at Seattle Jewish federation.

A North Carolina judge ruled against the state's "fornication and adultery statute." Now it's OK for two people to "lewdly and lasciviously associate, bed and cohabit together" without getting married first. Isn't this 2006???

A man who allegedly lured underage girls to cemeteries via a vampire-related website has been indicted for rape and sodomy charges. Eric Fischer, 23, of Sayville, allegedly met girls on and arranged to meet them in Long Island cemeteries but the 13-year-old girl that he thought he would meet turned out to be an undercover cop with the Suffolk County police department. Vampire Fan Charged With Cemetery Rape.

One of the women who participated in a Catholic ordination ceremony to demand female priests has resigned from her job with the Archdiocese of Boston.

Postsecret is a project where people are encouraged to create their own postcards expressing a secret of theirs. This one is pure power.

A federal judge rules against a small university that violated Title IX, which requires equal funding for women's and men's sports.

The Dominican Republic legislature narrowly defeated an amendment to a bill that would have permitted abortions in cases of pregnancy by rape. I've said it before and I'll say it again: The Church=Forced Pregnancy.

The Alan Guttmacher Institute has an excellent national roundup of pending legislation aimed at reducing reproductive freedom. Gee, whoda thunk?

Check out this Washington Post article describes neurobiologist Ben Barres's experience as a man - and woman - working in the sciences.

Iranian Woman Sentenced to Death by Stoning

Ashraf Kolhari, a 37-year-old mother of four, has been sentenced to death by stoning for committing adultery in Iran. Kolhari was arrested five years ago and has been awaiting her sentence in prison. Recently, she received the decision that she would be executed by the end of July.

Reportedly, Kolhari had an affair after her request for a divorce from her husband was denied. According to Iran Focus, she was sentenced on two charges: she received 15 years imprisonment for participating in the murder of her husband and death by stoning for having extra-marital sex.

I wonder if any of this would have happened if women were allowed to divorce like equals? And, having an affair is what gets a death sentence, but not murder? Meaning, women who committ adultery are worse than murderers. And by the way, what about the man she had the affair with? Notice no mention of his death, because as always...women are held to standards by men that men themselves do not have to abide by.

Under the Islamic Republic of Iran’s penal code, Kolhari must be buried up to her neck and killed by stoning for committing adultery. Though several ayatollahs have released fatwas – religious edicts – to stop deaths by stoning, Iranian women’s rights lawyer Shadi Sadr told the Adnkronos International, an Italian news agency, that fatwas are not sufficient to stop this cruel practice: “Single judges are not obliged to respect the fatwas. To stop stonings, we need a change in the law.”

According to the Women’s Forum Against Fundamentalism in Iran, there are eight other women in Iranian prisons who have been sentenced to death by stoning.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Pic Of The Day

Quote Of The Day

"Our media has collapsed. They’ve questioned no one. One of the reasons Bush and Cheney are so daring is that they know there’s nobody to stop them. Nobody is going to write a story that says this is not a war, only Congress can declare war... Nothing makes any sense, and the people are getting very confused. The people are not stupid, but they are totally misinformed."

- Gore Vidal, in the new issue of Duh! magazine.

Boy-In-The-Bubble Meets His Idol

Lebanon war rages on.
Blast hits US-led forces vehicle in Afghanistan.
Baghdad attacks up 40%.
"We have not witnessed the reduction in violence one would have hoped for," says general
Slippery slope towards civil war in Iraq continues as car bombs kill dozens.
Pakistan in large-scale nuclear expansion.
Over 60 killed as Iraq violence escalates.
Hundreds of Taliban fighters assault police post.
Group accuses Jordan of torturing for U.S
Misadministration involvement in Iraq "the work of butchers".
U.S. gas prices hit all-time high.
ABA blasts Bu$h for repeatedly violating the Constitution.
"The Bush administration, in its quest to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, approves giving nuclear technology to a country that has not signed the non-proliferation treaty."

But not to worry, President Bu$h on Friday meets with a special delegation: Taylor Hicks and the American Idol finalists.

Mann Coulter's Logic

Attention-starved skank Mann Coulter thinks Hillary's husband is secretly gay.

The evidence? He likes girls so much.

"I think that sort of rampant promiscuity does show some level of latent homosexuality," Coulter said on CNBC's "The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch."

Choking on the pretzel logic of the woman who attacked 9/11 widows as "harpies," Deutsch asked, "But why is that homosexual? You could say narcissistic."

"There is something narcissistic about homosexuality," said the blond blow-hard, who has a gay brother. "Right? Because you're in love with someone who looks like you."

Um, so then all men are're gay if you like it in the ass, and now you're gay if you like women. Well, Ann should know...she was a man afterall.
And promoscuity equals homosexuality? Then women who are so-called promiscuous are actually lesbos? And here I thought that men who sleep with alot of women just liked sleeping with alot of women. Silly me.

Watch this vid of David Letterman's parody of the lobotimized trannie's accusation. Truly hilarious. Video-WMP Video-QT

And on the July 27 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, host Chris Matthews asked right-wing pundit Ann Coulter, "How do you know that former President Bill Clinton is gay?" --referring to her comment the night before on CNBC's The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch that Clinton "shows some level of latent homosexuality." Coulter responded, "I don't know if he's gay. But former Vice President Al Gore -- total fag."

And You: Total Cunt.

Lesson Of The Day

Moral Superiority Equals Hypocrisy.

Jew-Hater Mel Gibson arrested for suspicion of drunk driving. And being a jerk.

Read it here.

Also, according to the incident report obtained by, the Road Warrior embarked on a belligerent, anti-Semitic outburst when he realized he had been busted.

"F-----g Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," Mee's report quotes him as saying.

"Are you a Jew?" Gibson asked the deputy, according to the report.

The actor also berated the deputy, threatening, "You motherf----r. I'm going to f--- you," according to Mee's report.

The actor also told the cop he "owns Malibu" and would spend all his money "to get even with me," Mee said in his report.

TMZ quoted a law enforcement source as saying Gibson noticed a female sergeant on the scene and yelled at her, "What do you think you're looking at, sugar t--s?"

Deputy Mee then wrote an eight-page report detailing of the incident, but higher-ups in the sheriff's department felt it was too "inflammatory" to release and would merely serve to incite "Jewish hatred," TMZ said.

Belated Friday Top Ten Tracks

1. Gold Dust Woman--Fleetwood Mac

2. Needle And The Damage Done--Neil Young

3. Walking After Midnight--Patsy Cline

4. Shine On You Crazy Diamond--Pink Floyd

5. If You Steal My Sunshine--Len

6. Split Screen Sadness--John Mayer

7. Black Horse And The Cherry Tree--KT Tunstall

8. Voodoo--Godsmack

9. Shadowboxer--Fiona Apple

10. Love is Blindness--U2

Pic of the day

Friday, July 28, 2006

Take the NARAL Pledge

As long as anti-choice politicians remain in control of Congress and the White House, a woman's right to choose is in grave danger. We need your pro-choice vote to take back Congress! That's why I'm asking you to take the pro-choice pledge, and pledge to vote for pro-choice candidates in the upcoming November elections.

I am an online activist with NARAL Pro-Choice America and we work to elect pro-choice candidates. We can only win elections with the help – and votes – of pro-choice Americans. Check out our elections website at for more information on protecting a woman's right to choose this November.

Twisted Language

The Michigan House on Wednesday voted 67-38 to approve a package of bills (HB 5879, HB 5880, HB 5881, HB 5882, HB 5883) that would require abortion clinics to determine if women seeking abortions are undergoing the procedure because they have been intimidated or coerced, the AP/ reports. The bills also would make coercing and intimidating women into seeking an abortion illegal and would give coerced women the ability to file a civil lawsuit. State Rep. Stephen Adamini (D) introduced an amendment, which the House did not support, that would have made it illegal to coerce a women into undergoing or not undergoing an abortion. Opponents of the bills say the legislation discourages women from seeking abortions, but advocates of the measures say that the bills attempt to "crack down on domestic violence," the AP/ reports. "It is not about abortion," state Rep. Judy Emmons (R), a sponsor of the bills, said, adding, "It is about domestic violence ... all aspects of domestic violence and how it affects women." Adamini said the approved legislation violates a woman's constitutional rights and is discriminatory. The bills now move to the state Senate for consideration.

Hey idiot, most victims of domestic violence do not inform their partners of abortions, for fear of retaliation. Also, the rate of lethality triples during pregnancy. It is the most dangerous time for women in domestic violence relationships. Violence increases, you assbag.
Do any of these lobotomized robots ever actually do research?
Do they ever actually back up their foaming mouths with fact or science or reason?
So, who is going to prosecute these men for "coercing"? And what will these know-all legislators do to protect these women from their abusers once they get out and are furious they were arrested? As always, none of this does anything to actually address the problem of domestic violence.

Become A Rapid Responder

It's not always easy to talk about choice - especially if some of your friends and family don't see eye to eye with you - so NARAL put together key points for you to bring up and ideas for getting the word out. Check it out and use it often - from now until Election Day! It's up to people like us to get vocal, right now, about the importance of voting pro-choice come November.

What to say
Get the word out about what's at stake

The right to safe and legal abortion is under attack. Anti-choice extremists are making abortion more difficult and dangerous at the national and state levels.

  • Supreme Court: Two anti-choice Justices have been appointed to the Supreme Court - giving the far right enough votes to severely undermine privacy and freedom to choose. If Bush gets the chance to name one more anti-choice nominee, without pro-choice leadership in the U.S. Senate, Roe v. Wade could be overturned.
  • State bans: South Dakota banned abortion. Louisiana passed a ban on abortion to go into effect if Roe is overturned. 12 other states, including Ohio, Georgia, and Missouri, are considering or have considered similar abortion bans. And 15 states already have an abortion ban on the books. Without pro-choice governors and legislatures, more bans will likely be passed.

Access to birth control is under attack. For the 98% of American women who use birth control during their reproductive years, birth control is basic and essential health care. But the far right still tries to block access to it.

  • "Morning-after" pill: For years, President Bush's top political appointees at the FDA have refused to approve the "morning-after" pill for over-the-counter use, even though FDA scientists overwhelmingly recommended that access be improved.
  • Pharmacy refusals: Renegade pharmacists across the country are refusing to fill legal, valid prescriptions for birth control. State legislators are proposing bills that would protect these pharmacists and allow this discrimination against women to continue.

Honest, age-appropriate, and medically accurate sex education is under attack. The Bush administration has significantly increased funding for unproven "abstinence-only" programs, putting America's teens at risk. These programs fail to equip our young people with the information they need to protect themselves against unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. The current anti-choice leadership in Congress will likely continue to fund these risky programs - unless we stop them in November.

How to say it

Quick and easy ways to get the word out

Use your network of family, friends, and colleagues.

  • Print out these anti-choice leaders' fact cards, and bring them along to parties and get-togethers. You'll have the facts at your fingertips.
    Talk to your family about how you'll vote in November. Hey, talking to family about politics ain't always easy. But you might have some allies you didn't know about.
    Ask your friends how they feel about choice. Odds are that you'll learn something new about your friends and have a great conversation to boot!

Use the internet.

  • Watch our new movie, 'Creatures from the Far Right,' about the anti-choice monsters lurking in our government and what you can do to stop them. Then, pass it along.
    Post information to your MySpace, Friendster, or FaceBook profiles. Click here to download our message, paste it into the bulletin box, and post it to your network.

Print out our flyers and put them up at work or your local coffee shop, laundromat, or grocery store.

Do you live in a community where it's hard to talk about your pro-choice values? One way to find people nearby who share your beliefs is through our network of 24 state affiliates. Click here for information on our state affiliates, and soon you'll be hooked up with people who feel as strongly about choice as you do.

Bozo's "Culture Of Life"

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Online Coverage of the XVI International AIDS Conference

In partnership with the International AIDS Society, is pleased to be the official webcaster of the XVI International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2006), providing you with access to the daily developments that take place at the conference in Toronto, Canada this August.

This year’s conference will feature presentations by world and community leaders and scientists, including: Bill and Melinda Gates, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, former Irish President Mary Robinson, actor Richard Gere, NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, UNAIDS Executive Director Peter Piot, UN Special Envoy Stephen Lewis and Bill Roedy of MTV Networks. will issue a Daily Update email, sent during the week of the conference, which will include a summary of and access to each day's online coverage. You can sign up to receive the email at
(Note: E-mails will not be sent to you until August. Then, they will be sent to you daily, starting August 14 and ending August 18, 2006.)’s Extensive Coverage of AIDS 2006

  • Live and tape-delayed webcasts and transcripts of each day's sessions with slide presentations and transcripts, including the opening and closing sessions, all plenaries, and selected other sessions and press conferences
  • French, Spanish and English-language audio podcasts of select sessions
  • Summaries of the news coverage in the Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report
  • Daily narrated video highlights of the conference
  • Interviews with newsmakers and journalists to summarize conference developments

If I Had A Penny For Every Time...

Wish you could give to your favorire charity?
What if it was just a penny every time you searched the net?

Now you can! Just by using GoodSearch-- a new search engine powered by Yahoo! -- you can support your charity of choice!

Take a Closer Look Behind the Attack on Women's Health

Chipping Away, a short digital film produced by Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, takes you inside the state Capitol and into the heart of Wisconsin for a closer look at what's behind the attack on women's health.

Women's health and reproductive freedom are under attack in the Wisconsin Legislature. 24 anti-choice and anti-birth control bills have been introduced--this is twice as many than ever before.

If you are in or around Wisconsin, here are a few ways to become involved in securing a woman's right to reproductive choice in Milwaukee:
August 1 5:30-8:00 pm Pro-Choice Phone Bank
August 4 8:00-11:00 pm Third Ward Summer Sizzle Table
August 8 5:30-8:00 pm Pro-Choice Phone Bank
August 16 5:30-8:00 pm Pro-Choice Phone Bank
More Volunteer Opportunities.

In Madison? Volunteer!
August 2 5:30-8:00 p.m. Pro-Choice Phone Bank
August 3 5:30-8:00 p.m. Pro-Choice Phone Bank
August 5 9-11am; 11-1pm Capitol Square Farmers' Market
August 7 5:30-8:00 p.m. Pro-Choice Phone Bank
August 8 5:30-8:00 p.m. Pro-Choice Phone Bank
More Volunteer Opportunities.

Labor Unions Oppose Anti-Choice Ballot Initiative

Via FeministWire, Labor Unions Oppose Anti-Choice Ballot Initiative.

Feminist leaders successfully convinced California unions this week to take a stand against an anti-choice measure that will be on the California ballot this November. If passed, Proposition 85 would amend the California state constitution to prohibit abortions for young women under the age of 18 – unless a physician notifies her parent or guardian in writing or she obtains a court order to waive the required notification. A similar measure, Prop. 73, was defeated by voters last year in a Special Election.

A feminist presence at the California Labor Federation’s 2006 Biennial Convention aided in the AFL-CIO Executive Council reversing its original “no recommendation” stance on Proposition 85 to a solid “vote no” for the November ballot. “It’s very rare for the executive council to reverse its decision,” said Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers and Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) board member. “Labor is very top-down; workers usually do what their leaders tell them to do. We had some of the big unions on our side, but we needed a two-thirds vote … This is a smashing victory for the feminist movement.”

Feminist Majority Foundation interns joined Huerta and members of the Dolores Huerta Foundation to hand out literature on the dangers of Proposition 85 to union delegates prior to the vote. “I cannot tell you what an impact we made,” Huerta said. “All these macho labor guys saw these young women here with their feminist shirts on and it really put a face on what we’re fighting for.”

The Executive Council’s decision to recommend no on Prop. 85 was met with applause and relief, rising to a crescendo of union members chanting “Si se puede!” “I had three women come up to me after the vote, teary-eyed, and thanked us for being there,” said Amanda Luterman, a FMF intern. “You could feel the energy and a willingness to speak out. Not just women, but men were speaking out for their daughters, and unions who don’t usually see a correlation between their work and young women’s lives were standing up for the women in their unions.”

Women Gain When Men Wrongly Accused of Rape Are Freed

The Innocence Project often opens the prison gates for men falsely accused of sex assault. Its staff is often asked whether its work serves the interests of rape survivors and women generally. The answers are yes and yes.

Read this story here:

Vote Pro-choice in November

With the Senate's passing of the Teenage Endangerment Act, it is clear we need a change. click here to see how your senators voted.

Americans solidly support a woman's right to choose, but our elected officials actively undermine it. This Congress confirmed two anti-choice Supreme Court Justices, is working to block access to birth control, is ignoring soaring teen pregnancy rates, and is spending your tax dollars on unproven, ideological "abstinence only" programs that actually withhold life-saving information from our children.

Changing Congress will ensure our elected officials represent our pro-choice values. This means defeating anti-choice Senators like John Kyl in Arizona, Conrad Burns in Montana, and Mike DeWine in Ohio. It means protecting pro-choice incumbents like Debbie Stabenow in Michigan and Maria Cantwell in Washington, and it means electing pro-choice House challengers like Lois Murphy (PA-06), Joe Sestak (PA-07), and Patrick Murphy (PA-08).

This year we have a slate of strong pro-choice challengers running against anti-choice incumbents, so we really can turn the tide in Congress.

The balance of power in Washington must shift if we hope to defend the everyday issues affecting women's lives, issues protected by Roe v. Wade. But these issues are under unparalleled attack!

As always, vote pro-choice.
If you'd like to learn more about how you can get involved in the upcoming elections, click here.

Exposing CPC's

Recently, "Crisis Pregnancy Centers" that receive federal and state funding have been in the news for their deceptive practices.

  • In a Congressional report issued on July 17th by Representative Harry Waxman an overwhelming majority (87%) of "Crisis Pregnancy Centers" surveyed provided misleading, medically inaccurate information about abortion and breast cancer, abortion and infertility, and post-abortion syndrome. Read the report.

  • In a column by St. Pete Times Columnist Robyn Blumner on July 24th she exposed the “anti abortion bunk” of these programs. Read the column here.

These organizations have been providing counseling services to pregnant teenagers and women since 2001, and have received over $30 million in federal funding!

  • In Florida Governor Jeb! and the Legislature have used over $2 million of our tax dollars to fund these programs! Funding that provides misleading information and a website that lies to Florida women about breast cancer and calls emergency birth control an abortion procedure. Click here to see the website.
"Crisis Pregnancy Centers" often set themselves up next to legitimate family planning clinics and use deceptive tactics to lead women into their centers. For example, CPC’s will place ads in the yellow pages under the title of “Abortion Services” only to dissuade women from considering an abortion.

It is often the most vulnerable women who seek the services at these centers: desperate women who are susceptible to being misled and need medically accurate information to help them make a fully informed decision about their options!

These anti-choice centers use deceptive practices to strip away our basic reproductive rights- the right to birth control and the right to choose.

Support The PATHWAY Act

A new U.S. government report on the Bush administration’s abstinence-only HIV/AIDS prevention programs was released in May. The Bush administration supports a law mandating that 1/3 of all U.S. global HIV/AIDS prevention funds be used for these programs, which the GAO report found are NOT effective at preventing the global spread of the virus.

In response to the report’s findings and to the fuss thousands of other concerned citizens made about this news, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) recently introduced the Protection Against Transmission of HIV for Women and Youth (PATHWAY) Act of 2006.

The PATHWAY Act will save lives by eliminating this counterproductive, dangerous funding requirement and by forcing the U.S. government to develop a comprehensive strategy to stop the spread of HIV among women and children.

Click here to urge your Representative to protect women and children from HIV/AIDS by co-sponsoring this vitally important act!

Countries need the flexibility to develop HIV/AIDS prevention programs that respond to their unique needs rather than ineffective abstinence-only programs that take desperately-needed resources from programs that are effective in preventing the spread of the virus.

In order to comply with the current abstinence-only funding requirement, countries have had to reduce funding for programs that are proven to work, including Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission programs and programs for people at the highest risk of contracting HIV -- sexually active youth, truckers, sex workers, and couples in which one partner is HIV+.

The Bush administration’s ideologically-driven insistence on abstinence-only HIV/AIDS prevention programs is hurting the people who are most at risk and most in need of help.

Please help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among women and children in the world’s most AIDS-ravaged countries by clicking here to contact your member of Congress about the PATHWAY Act today.

Don't Like Something? Act Now.

South Dakota's far-reaching abortion ban has spurred many women into the political running. Beyond the politics of reproduction, they are also seizing the chance to talk about living conditions in a state where many women hold down two jobs.

Read this moving story of action here:

Magical Madres

A group of HIV-positive mothers in Uganda have banded together to form the "Mama's Club". Twice a month they share medical and legal information, and, perhaps most importantly, they remember they are not alone.

Read the full Story:

Kaiser Updates

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions on Aug. 1 plans to hold a confirmation hearing on the nomination of acting FDA Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach to permanently head the agency, a committee spokesperson said Tuesday, Reuters reports. After President Bush nominated von Eschenbach, Sens. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) announced in a statement that they planned to place a hold on his confirmation vote in the Senate because of FDA's delay of a decision on Barr Laboratories' application for nonprescription sales of the emergency contraceptive Plan B for girls and women ages 17 and older. Murray spokesperson Alex Glass on Tuesday said the two senators still plan to block a vote on Eschenbach's confirmation. Rodham Clinton spokesperson Sarah Gegenheimer said, "We're still in the exact same place, with all the same issues".

The Washington state Board of Pharmacy on Thursday unanimously voted to reassess the language of a rule it preliminarily approved last month that would allow pharmacists who oppose emergency contraception to refuse to fill prescriptions for the medication, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. The proposed rule also says that pharmacists cannot "obstruct a patient in obtaining a lawfully prescribed drug or device," and they must make an alternative available in a timely fashion if they "cannot dispense" a prescription. About 2,400 e-mails and letters commenting on the proposal have been sent to the board since June, most of which oppose the language in the rule, according to board Executive Director Steve Saxe. Opponents of the rule's language include Gov. Christine Gregoire (D) and some women's advocacy groups, while the Washington State Pharmacy Association supports the original proposal. The board plans to re-examine the language of the proposed rule at its August meeting.

White House Press Secretary Tony Snow on Monday said he "overstated the president's position" on human embryonic stem cell research when he said last week that President Bush "believes strongly that for the purpose of research it's inappropriate for the federal government to finance something that many people consider murder. He's one of them," the Washington Post reports. Snow made the comment last Tuesday when asked why Bush planned to veto a bill (HR 810) that would have expanded human embryonic stem cell research (New York Times, 7/25). White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten on Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" was asked whether Bush agreed with Snow's comments that the destruction of fertilized embryos was equivalent to murder. Bolten said, "The president thinks that that embryo, that fertilized embryo, is a human life that deserves protection," adding, "I haven't spoken to him about the use of particular terminology." Snow added, "The president has said that he believes that embryonic stem cell research is the destruction of human life". Bush on Wednesday at a ceremony said that he vetoed the legislation because it "would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others".

Dave Gerdes, an attorney for the South Dakota State Medical Association, in a recent legal memo said that, under a revised state homicide law, physicians who violate a state law (HB 1215) that bans abortion except to save the life of the pregnant woman could be charged with first-degree murder, the AP/Aberdeen American News reports. The state Legislature last year approved an amended version of the state criminal code that changed the definition of first-degree murder to include the premeditated killing of "any unborn child," the AP/News reports. The ban, which has not yet taken effect, will be on the statewide ballot in November.

The Los Angeles Unified School District, and potentially several other school districts in Los Angeles County, through the federal Vaccines for Children Program plan to offer to female students starting the 2006-2007 school year Merck's human papillomavirus vaccine Gardasil, according to L.A. Unified officials, the Los Angeles Times reports. The Vaccines for Children Program provides no-cost immunizations to children covered by Medicaid, Alaska-native and American Indian children and some uninsured and underinsured children. FDA last month approved Gardasil for sale and marketing to girls and women ages nine to 26, and CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices later that month voted unanimously to recommend that all girls ages 11 and 12 receive the vaccine. ACIP also recommended that Gardasil be covered by the Vaccines for Children Program.

Amnesty International as soon as next year could decide on proposals that would support legal access to contraception and access to abortion in cases of rape or to save the life of the woman, the AP/San Diego Union-Tribune reports. The proposals arose from the group's program to curb violence against women. The group said issues such as forced marriage of young girls and illegal abortions also are being discussed. As a result of the proposals, some abortion-rights opponents and Roman Catholic officials are threatening to drop their membership and donations.

An Oregon initiative that would require physicians to notify by certified mail a parent or guardian at least 48 hours before performing an abortion on a minor ages 15 to 17 has qualified to be placed on the statewide ballot in November, the AP/ reports. Under the proposed notification initiative, which is sponsored by Oregon Right to Life, minors would be exempt from the measure if their life or health is at risk, and physicians who refuse to comply with the notification requirement would face civil penalties. The initiative also would allow for judicial bypass in cases of potential abuse.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Check out the ACLU's assessment of the "serious constitutional concerns" raised by the Senate's passing pof the Teenage Endangerment Act.

Amnesty International decided recently to extend its mandate to support abortion access in cases of sexual violence.

In Pennsylvania, A Good Samaritan Hospital emergency room Mennonite doctor refused to give a rape victim a morning-after pill because of his religious beliefs. Hell with gasoline drawers.

According to last year's statistics on HIV/AIDS infection in South Africa, pregnant women are the fastest growing sect of the population to become infected. via SABC News.

Sex education may get adolescents to delay sex, according to a new study.

The California Assembly passed a bill to prevent anyone but licensed medical professionals from purchasing ultrasound machines. If the legislation passes the state Senate, it could prevent the state's "crisis pregnancy centers" from buying ultrasound machines too.

Harper's reports on "the great Ukrainian bride hunt." Otherwise known as sexual trafficking.

Three leading gay rights groups will spend $250,000 on ads promoting gay marriage. Too bad the money won't be spent on, I don't know, education of tolerance or lobbying for equality laws.

Shannon blogs about feminism and the stereotype of hypersexualized Black women.

A kids' show host was fired after PBS found out she had made spoof PSAs about being a "technical virgin."

Studies say more than half the women of Peru have been victims of domestic and/or sexual violence. via Reuters.

Leslie Gassbag Under Investigation.

The IRS is investigating Leslie Unruh, her Alpha Center and her National Abstinence Clearinghouse for violating federal tax laws.

A complaint was filed with the IRS that Unruh and the two federally funded non-profits she operates have been violating federal laws. Part of the violation came from the tax returns that claimed no lobbying efforts in years that she and her non-profits were publicly lobbying actively. The other specifics was an email sent endorsing John Stratman, who is a board member for both of her non-profits, when he attempted to run for the Sioux Falls School Board.

But of course In the recent Argus article about the investigation, comments from Gassbag twist to her delusional reality and her lies, lies, lies. Her blatant attempt at gaining sympathy is predictable.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Senate Approves Teen Endangerment Act

Unfortunately, the Senate today passed the so-called Child Custody Protection Act, which makes it a crime to take a pregnant girl across state lines for an abortion without her parents' knowledge.

Struggling to defend their majority this election year, Republican sponsors said the bill supports what a majority of the public believes: that a parent's right to know takes precedence over a young woman's right to have an abortion. But of course.

"Congress ought to have higher priorities than turning grandparents into criminals," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass. WORD.

Significant differences exist between the Senate bill and a measure passed by the House last year, the "Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act".

Unlike the Senate bill, the House measure sets out a national parental notification law. It would require a physician who knowingly performs or induces an abortion on a minor who is a resident of another state to provide notice of at least 24 hours to a parent of the minor before ending the pregnancy.

"If we do nothing about teen pregnancy yet pass this punitive bill, then it proves that this (bill) is only a political charade and not a serious effort to combat the problem," Senator Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J. said.

These parental involvement laws are a disgrace. They also do nothing to prevent or even reduce the number of a bortions, as found by this analysis by The New York Times. Studies also show that 90% of teens inform at least one parent. This law essentially poses dangerous situations for the remining 10% of girls that do not have healthy, conducive environments. The government can not mandate good communication within families!!! The implications of bills like these are enormous, with the ending always the same: Desperate girls taking matters into their own hands.

Examples to follow:
  • A 19-year-old Lufkin, Texas, teenager on Monday was convicted of two counts of murder and sentenced to life in prison for repeatedly stepping on the abdomen of his 17-year-old girlfriend in an effort to help her terminate her twin pregnancy, the Lufkin Daily News reports. The case is expected to be a landmark test of the state's fetal protection law (Cook, SB 319). The law, which Gov. Rick Perry (R) signed in June 2003, defines a fetus as an individual "at every stage of gestation from fertilization until birth" and allows charges to be filed on behalf of a fetus that is terminated in an accident or crime. The girl involved in the case -- Erica Basoria -- had attempted to terminate her four-month pregnancy by hitting herself and later asked Gerardo Flores to step on her abdomen to try to cause a miscarriage. Basoria cannot be charged for terminating her own pregnancy under the fetal protection law because it might impinge on her legal right to an abortion.

  • A 17-year-old Macomb County, Mich., boy who is charged with a felony under the state's Prenatal Protection Act for helping end his girlfriend's pregnancy by hitting her in the abdomen with a baseball bat cannot use his girlfriend's consent to the termination as a defense, Macomb County Circuit Judge Matthew Switalski ruled on Thursday, the Detroit Free Press reports. The girl -- who was six months pregnant at the time and subsequently gave birth to a stillborn infant -- had her boyfriend hit her repeatedly with a 22-inch souvenir bat over a two-week period in an attempt to terminate the pregnancy. However, under Michigan law, a person who intentionally harms a pregnant woman is criminally liable, but an act committed by the pregnant individual cannot be prosecuted. Switalski ruled that the girl could not legally consent to ending the pregnancy because Michigan law requires that minors get parental consent or a judicial bypass before undergoing an abortion, according to the AP/Detroit Free Press.
Here is a wonderful article by the Center for American Progress about The Harm of Parental Involvement Laws.

And let's not forget that in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the Supreme Court said it was constitutional for individual states to restrict minors' abortion access. *puke* The federal legislation passed by the Senate today forces pro-choice states to abide by the restrictive laws passed by anti-choice legislatures in neighboring states. So much for letting individual states decide how to restrict abortion. Thanks.

Monday, July 24, 2006


South Dakota Republicans are fighting amongst themselves over what to do about party members who opposed the state's abortion ban.

A public pool in New Zealand bans child nudity to "minimize the risks" posed by pedophiles.

The Guardian has an article about the media’s obsession with women’s bodies.

The first issue of Australian feminist magazine Wo! hits newsstands August 2.

Recently, AlterNet ran a couple of features about the chronic sexual harrassment, sexual assaults and rapes of U.S. soldiers by U.S. soldiers. Go figure.

Check out this photo of George W. Bush "playfully slapping" Congressman Al Green at the NAACP convention. Lately, Boy-in-the-Bubble's sense of ownership and entitlement is becomming all too apparent.

Missouri's corrections department plans to fight a judge's ruling that they must provide transportation to women inmates seeking abortion.

Police and church authorities are facing serious questions over how a married priest suspected of being a pedophile was set free to carry out a horrific series of sexual assaults involving hundreds of children across the UK, via

The Happy Feminist has a good post up: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome: a Confusing Springboard to Prejudice.

New Hampshire's Supreme Court is considering whether a convicted rapist got a fair trial after a man who posted disparaging comments about the case on the internet later became foreman of the jury that voted for the conviction. Convicted rapist cites juror's blog in appeal.

A hypocrite in the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales resigned following newspaper claims his former girlfriend had an abortion nearly 20 years ago.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Truth of Bu$h's War

Four US soldiers accused of murdering suspected insurgents during a raid in Iraq said they were under orders to "kill all military age males".

Mission Accomplished.

Join 34 Million Friends and Make a Difference

Jane Roberts and Lois Abraham established 34 Million Friends of UNFPA in 2002 when the Bush Administration first announced they would withhold the $34 million that Congress allocated to UNFPA. Today the total amount of blocked funds stands at over $125 million.
The idea behind this project is to ask 34 million Americans to donate at least $1 and in turn, send a message that Americans support UNFPA.

UNFPA helps the most vulnerable women in the world plan their families, give birth safely, and protect themselves from HIV/AIDS. It promotes the rights of women by encouraging equal access to food, education, and healthcare. UNFPA works worldwide to eliminate gender-based violence including female genital cutting and rape used as weapons of war. Show American support by becoming one of the 34 Million Friends and getting involved. Jane and Lois urge you to find out more about 34 Million Friends at

Be one of 34 million Americans to contribute at least $1 to the grassroots movement for the women of the world. Invite others to join you.
Make checks out to: Americans for UNFPA
Mail to: Americans for UNFPA - 34 Million Friends
P.O. Box 681
Toms River, NJ 08754

You can also contribute online to 34 Million Friends at Americans for UNFPA website. ($10 minimum) All contributions are tax deductible.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Multiple Strains of HPV Up Cancer Risk

A new study finds Multiple HPV infections up cancer risk for women.

Women who become infected with multiple strains of the virus linked to cervical cancer may have a particularly high risk of developing the disease, new research suggests.

The new findings suggest that women who become infected with multiple strains of HPV are at particular risk of developing these lesions.

At any one test, Franco's team found, 2 percent to 3 percent of the women were infected with multiple HPV strains. Many more — 22 percent — tested positive for different HPV types at some point over the four years. And as a group, these women were at particular risk of developing pre-cancerous lesions.

Compared with women who tested negative for HPV throughout the first year of the study, those infected with one HPV type were 41 times more likely to develop high-grade cervical lesions. But the risk was 92 times greater for women who'd been infected with two or three HPV types, and more than 400 times higher for those with four to six viral types.

Man Plotted to Kill Ex-wife and Girlfriend

A Grand Junction, Colorado jury convicted a man of trying to persuade his girlfriend to kill his ex-wife, then trying to hire a hit man from behind bars to kill both.

Last year, Stuart Shader wanted his then-girlfriend Shawna Nelson, who practiced witchcraft, to sneak into his ex-wife's house and put pits of the poisonous belladonna plant into a can of ground coffee, according to court records. He told Nelson he'd "understand" if she chose to kill herself or go to Mexico afterward.

Nelson went to the authorities instead, and Shader landed in jail. There he tried to have both of them killed, prosecutors said. An inmate tipped investigators, so when Shader thought he was hiring an Aryan Brotherhood hit man, he was really dealing with an undercover police officer.

Iraqi Rapers Finally Decided On An Excuse

Attorneys for Army soldiers accused of raping an Iraqi teenager and killing her and her family in March are planning to argue that the men were under extreme emotional distress because of the horrors of their combat assignment.

Give me a break, you spineless monsters.

Plenty of soldiers are in the exact same "emotional distress" and are not raping women. You had a choice and you choose to humiliate, dominate, rape and murder a human being and her family.

Put a Muzzle On It

Daddy Dobson's attempt to persuade the citizens of Colorado to oppose same-sex partnerships is right here.

It all started when the "Born Different" ad campaign was created to persuade Colorado voters to say yes to domestic partner benefits for gay couples. The campaign tries to show people that not all dogs bark, and not all people are heterosexual.

Naturally, Focus on the Family goes even farther with its response as they point out that the now infamous gay penguins have since reversed their homo ways and are now living as proper Christians.

Then he says "We shouldn't pick and choose animal behaviors to back political causes".

But you pick and choose everything else. Your inconsistency defines your hypocrisy. You pick and choose which lives are worth living. You pick and choose who is "responsible" enough for contraception. You pick and choose what is a suitable family.

Senator Brownback Is a Vagina

Watch here, as Jon Stewart proves Sam Brownback is nuts.

During the Stem Cell debate, Senator Brownback uses typical Reich visual aides fit for a 1 year old in the attempt to dissuade his constituents.

Another benefit of RU-486

Abortion drug could rapidly treat depression.

Most antidepressants are thought to work by raising levels of the signalling chemical serotonin, which acts in the brain. But these drugs can take several weeks to take effect. The new treatments could be effective within days or even hours.

As an alternative to existing antidepressants, Lucassen and his team were keen to find ways to halt the stress response directly. Using a high dose of RU486, which blocks the stress hormone receptors, they were able to maintain normal neuron counts in rats. “It points to a rescue effect on survival of these cells,” says Lucassen.

The drug is already used for severe psychotic depression, and is licensed for use to treat several conditions, including Cushing's disease, and to induce abortion because it also acts on progesterone receptors. Pro-life activists have long campaigned for its withdrawal, and its use for routine depression treatment would undoubtedly be controversial.

Preparation For Rape? A Good Wax Job

A British police force defended a magazine article advising women intent on getting drunk to make sure they are wearing nice underpants.

Suffolk Police's Safe! magazine carries a reminder for readers "intent on getting ratted", alongside a picture of a scantily-clad woman on the floor with the caption "if you've got it don't flaunt it".

It reads: "If you fall over or pass out, remember your skirt or dress may ride up. You could show off more than you intended - for all our sakes, please make sure you're wearing nice pants and that you've recently had a wax. Better still, eat before you go out, think about how much you're drinking, pace yourself and drink plenty of water in between bevvies or better still, don't get in this sorry state - it's not nice."

Cause you know that if you are a woman and drunk--you asked for it.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Rape of Innocence

Via South Bend Tribune, a 2-year-old South Bend girl was reportedly raped by four young boys Tuesday evening on South Bend's far west side.

The girl was taken to an area hospital by a relative with non-life threatening injuries, South Bend Police spokesman Capt. Phil Trent said Wednesday afternoon. Police have four male suspects ages 5, 6, 7 and 10. Trent said he believes all of them are relatives of the girl.

All four suspects played some part in the alleged rape, according to Trent. He said the child could have been raped more than once.

Friday Top Ten Tracks

1. Beautiful Child--Fleetwood Mac

2. Gimme Shelter--Rolling Stones

3. What Hurts The Most--Rascal Flatts

4. Karma Police--Radiohead

5. Solsbury Hill--Peter Gabriel

6. Ex-Factor--Lauryn Hill

7. In The End--Linkin Park

8. Head Like a Hole--Nine Inch Nails

9. Blood and Fire--Indigo Girls

10. Raining in Baltimore--Counting Crows

Mr. "Potatoe" head is back

Dan "Potatoe" Quayle walked out of a John Mellencamp concert after the midwestern singer introduced his song, Walk Tall, by saying "This next one is for all the poor people who've been ignored by the current administration."

Boo-hoo. It's amazing how The Reich can't handle listening to or tolerating the opinions of others. Reminds me of how Traitor John McCain released fury onto a student who dared to speak out against policies he supported.

First verse of Walk Tall:
The simple minded
And the uninformed
Can be easily led astray
And those that cannot connect the dots
Hey look the other way
People believe what they want to believe
When it makes no sense at all

Kaiser Updates

Assistant U.S. Attorney Kathleen Mehltretter is seeking to establish rules in convicted murderer James Kopp's upcoming federal trial involving charges related to the murder of Buffalo, N.Y., abortion provider Barnett Slepian, the AP/Long Island Newsday reports. According to AP/Newsday, prosecutors have asked the judge to prohibit buttons or T-shirts displaying abortion-related slogans in the courtroom. They also are trying to prevent Kopp from explaining his reasons for opposing abortions, describing the experiences of former abortion patients and how fetuses develop or showing the jury pictures of aborted fetuses, AP/Newsday reports. Mehltretter also is attempting to exclude public statements made by Kopp during a 2002 Buffalo News interview and limit witnesses from describing Kopp as a "good person, sincere person, spiritual or holy person, religiously devoted, or good sibling," AP/Newsday reports.

Several South Dakota physicians have "lined up on opposite sides" of the state's law (HB 1215) that bans abortion except to save a woman's life and are "lending their personal and medical opinions to a cause in which they believe," the Sioux Falls Argus Leader reports. According to Ken Aspaas, president of the South Dakota State Medical Association, the abortion ban debate has divided the state's medical community. Publicly, the association "has taken a largely hands-off approach to the subject of abortion," after "heated" discussions among its members in recent months, according to the Argus Leader. However, the SDSMA in June released a statement "strongly condemning" interference by the government or any person in a medical decision, according to the Argus Leader. Some physicians are worried about the ban's effect, "especially when they deem the procedure to be medically necessary for the health of the pregnant woman," the Argus Leader reports. Supporters of the ban have pointed to a report released last year by the South Dakota Task Force to Study Abortion, which included testimony from physicians that women could experience potentially harmful emotional and mental problems from undergoing the procedure, according to the Argus Leader. The task force was appointed by Gov. Mike Rounds (R) and was co-chaired by Maria Bell -- a Sioux Falls ob-gyn who also is the co-chair of the South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families, the group that organized the petition drive that brought the abortion ban onto the state ballot.

The New York Times on Wednesday examined the New York state Senate's delay on a vote for a bill (A 6619) that would make it possible for school districts that offer sex education to apply for financial aid from the state. The bill, which has bipartisan support and is known as the Healthy Teens Act, was approved in April by a 126-15 vote in the state Assembly and was approved 15-2 by the state Senate Health Committee in May, the Times reports. The bill, sponsored by state Rep. Richard Gottfried (D) and Sen. Nicholas Spano (R), then was sent to the Senate Finance Committee, where it "sat" until the Legislature adjourned in June, the Times reports. New York state Senate leaders have not said why a vote on the bill has been delayed. Matthew Walter, the assistant press secretary to the Senate majority, said the bill is "under review," adding, "At some point, we'll be back in session and make a determination on where we're going." According to the Times, as the bill "falters" in New York, similar bills in states that also "are far from strongholds of the religious right," such as Illinois and Minnesota, are being denied floor votes.

U.S. District Judge Dean Whipple on Tuesday ruled that the state must provide transportation to clinics for pregnant inmates who wish to have abortions, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. The Missouri Department of Corrections in July 2005 adopted a policy barring the use of tax dollars to transport prisoners to undergo abortions. Attorneys for a state prison inmate -- identified as "Jane Roe" in court papers -- filed a lawsuit in October 2005 asking a federal court to order the corrections department to transport the woman to a clinic for an abortion. Whipple agreed to the request. Attorneys for the Missouri Office of the Attorney General unsuccessfully appealed the ruling to the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court. The woman was about 17 weeks' pregnant and had been seeking an abortion for about seven weeks before she received one. The American Civil Liberties Union filed for a federal ruling to make the Jane Roe decision applicable to all pregnant women in the state, which Whipple agreed to, the AP/Houston Chronicle reports.

NPR's "Talk of the Nation" on Wednesday examined the nationwide debate over the rights of health care providers to refuse to perform certain medical procedures and prescribe certain medications because of personal beliefs and the rights of patients to medical care. According to Washington Post reporter Rob Stein, "There is a long history" of the right of conscience in medicine, and it became a "prominent issue" in the U.S. after Roe v. Wade -- the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that effectively outlawed state abortion bans. "In the wake of that decision, most every state passed what they called a 'conscience' law, which specifically permitted doctors and nurses who did not want to participate in abortion from stepping away and not being forced to do so," Stein said. According to Nancy Berlinger, deputy director and associate for religious studies at the Hastings Center, "A professional in medicine ... always works in a system that is organized around the health and well-being of the patient," and "duty to care is always about placing the patient's needs above one's own needs." Robert Scheidt, chair of the ethics commission of the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, said, "There should be lines and there should be reasonable lines," adding, "The doctor ... has the right of refusal on the basis of conscience. But he has an obligation to be sure that he's practicing factually accurate and rational medicine ... that his conscience is well informed".

The Kansas City Star on Wednesday examined Project Prevention -- a program that offers financial incentives to illicit drug users if they agree to take long-term birth control or undergo sterilization surgery. The group's founder, Barbara Harris, started the program in 1998 in California under the name Children Requiring a Caring Kommunity, or CRACK. According to the Star, Project Prevention now has chapters in 27 states and has paid incentives to almost 1,900 drug users -- most of whom were white, female clients -- in 39 states. Clients can receive $300 annually if they agree to remain on Depo-Provera, a long-birth control shot that is administered every three months, the group says. Project Prevention also pays the same amount to female drug users who agree to undergo sterilization surgery, the Star reports. About 700 women have undergone sterilization surgery as clients of Project Prevention, according to the group. Clients are paid after the group receives paperwork proving they have followed through with the agreement. About 200 clients have enrolled this year in the program, and the group is seeking to end the year with at least 2,006 paid clients, the Star reports. Some critics are concerned the program "is racist, disproportionately focusing on minority women, and preys on people ill-prepared to make life-altering decisions, or those easily swayed by an offer of fast cash," according to the Star. Harris said, "People say we don't have a right to tell them how many children they can have," adding, "I disagree".

We Have Had Abortions

That was the headline of a petition in the 1972 debut issue of Ms. magazine in which 53 well-known U.S. women declared that they had undergone abortions -- despite state laws rendering the procedure illegal. Even then, to many it seemed absurd that the government could deny a woman sovereignty over her own body. It is even more absurd in 2006 that an abortion ban has passed into law in South Dakota, though it has been stayed because an initiative to remove the ban has been placed on the state's November ballot.

It's time for a new petition for honesty and freedom.

Today Ms. is starting a new petition and are inviting you to join Ms. in a campaign for honesty and freedom. You can read the full petition here.

Just as in 1972, Ms. will send the signed petitions to the White House, members of Congress and state legislators. If a multitude of women would step forward publicly – and more and more would continue to join them – we would change the public debate.

It is time to speak out again – in even larger numbers – and to make politicians face their neighbors, influential movers and shakers, and yes, their family members. We cannot, we must not – for U.S. women and the women of the world – lose the right to safe and accessible abortion or access to birth control.

Help bring justice for murdered women in Guatemala

Amnesty International recently released a one-year update to its report, "No protection, no justice: killings of women in Guatemala" and found murderers continue to kill women and go unpunished.

Speak out now! Tell the President of Guatemala that violence against women cannot be tolerated!

The past year saw some changes in the right direction. The Guatemalan government has publicly recognized the deficiencies in preventing, investigating and prosecuting the killings of women. Unfortunately, theinitatives taken by the Guatemalan government haven't produced results, and don't come close to providing the protection and justice needed by women.

Impunity for killings of women and girls is still the norm. The number of convictions secured for such crimes continues to be alarmingly low. Of all the cases that passed through the prosecutor's office during 2005, 99% of the cases never even reached the courts.

Tell the Guatemalan government that impunity for violence against women will not be tolerated!

View the updated report including AI's recommendations to protect the women and girls of Guatemala here.

Bu$h faces backlash on the right

At a moment when his conservative coalition is already under strain over domestic policy, President Bush is facing a new and swiftly building backlash on the right over his handling of foreign affairs.

Conservative intellectuals and commentators who once lauded Bush for what they saw as a willingness to aggressively confront threats and advance U.S. interests said in interviews that they perceive timidity and confusion about long-standing problems including Iran and North Korea, as well as urgent new ones such as the latest crisis between Israel and Hezbollah.

They see autocrats in Egypt and Russia cracking down on dissenters with scant comment from Washington, North Korea firing missiles without consequence, and Iran playing for time to develop nuclear weapons while the Bush administration engages in fruitless diplomacy with European allies.

No shit. WP: Bush faces conservative backlash.

Contact Your Senators!

At a time when Congress should be thinking about pressing issues facing America, Senate Majority Leader Bill "Cat Killer" Frist has instead tried to pacify his anti-choice base by proposing a bill around minors and abortion that puts victims of rape, incest and assault in danger.

Tell your Senator not to support this deeply flawed bill.

On July 20, 2006, the Senate will take up consideration of the Child Custody Protection Act (CCPA). This unconstitutional legislation makes it a federal crime for any person, other than a parent, to accompany a teen to an out-of-state doctor if the teen’s home state parental involvement laws have not been met.

Say NO to the "Child Custody Protection Act."

The Child Custody Protection Act threatens the welfare of teens by isolating them from trusted adults and creating delays and burdens that could endanger their health. NAF urges you to contact your Senators today and express your opposition to this law that endangers teens and violates their constitutional rights.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

War, children

5 U.S. Army soldiers being investigated for raping a young woman, then killing her and three members of her family in Iraq, a U.S. military official told The Associated Press "The killings appeared to have been a "crime of opportunity".
With this I give you The Stones "It's Just a Shot Away"

Oh, a storm is threat'ning
My very life today
If I don't get some shelter
Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
Ooh, see the fire is sweepin'
Our very street today
Burns like a red coal carpet
Mad bull lost its way

War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
Rape, murder!

It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
Rape, murder!

It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
Rape, murder!

It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
The floods is threat'ning
My very life today
Gimme, gimme shelter
Or I'm gonna fade away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
I tell you love, sister, it's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
Kiss away, kiss away

Reality of Clinic Violence

Clinic violence is simply domestic terrorism rolled in the robes of pseudo-christianity.

Since 1996 there have been 11 bombings
25 attempted bombings and arsons
and 35 arsons aimed at abortion providers in the U.S. and Canada.

View statistics of clinic violence.

All rational people oppose using violence to achieve an outcome. Note: rational. When fundamental zealots decide that they are above not only law, but their own supposed "Word", then they are murdering hypocrites who self-annoint themselves to a demi-god status by deciding for themselves who deserves to live and who deserves to die.

Some of The Reich terrorists include:

Army of God
The Army of God is an underground network of domestic terrorists who believe that the use of violence is an appropriate and acceptable means to ending abortion. More.

Eric Robert Rudolph
Eric Robert Rudolph has been charged with the bombings at Olympic Park, a gay bar, and two abortion clinics. He was on the run from law enforcement officials and on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List for almost five years. Rudolph was captured and arrested on May 31, 2003 in Murphy, NC. More.

James Kopp
James Kopp was convicted of the 1998 murder of Dr. Barnett Slepian and sentenced to 25 years to life in May 2003. He still faces federal charges and is wanted in two separate shootings of abortion providers in Canada. More.

Clayton Waagner
Clayton Waagner was indicted on 53 federal terrorism charges related to the hundreds of anthrax threat letters he sent to clinics across the country in the fall of 2001. On December 4, 2003 a jury took only about two and a half hours to convict Waagner on 51 of 53 counts of the indictment. The trial was held in Federal District Court in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. More.

Beware of Elliot

Another example of the lies spread by The Reich:

The Elliot Institute: "Endometritis is a post-abortion risk for all women, but especially for teenagers, who are 2.5 times more likely than women 20-29 to acquire endometritis following abortion".

The Mayo Clinic: "There is no evidence of a link between abortion and endometriosis, a cause of female infertility. Endometriosis is primarily a disease of women who have never been pregnant".

Upon research of the Elliot Institute, ( lo and behold:
"Our Mission and Ministry".

Aaahh, the truth exposed.

A partial list of people who sing prasies of EI:
Dr. Wanda Franz-President, National Right to Life Committee
Judie Brown-President American Life League
Dr. Jack Wilke-President, Life Issues Institute
Paige Cunningham-President, Americans United for Life

Bias anyone?

No Link For Truth

Scanner reported that federally funded pregnancy information hotlines are telling women who call that abortion causes cancer and infertility. Why, why, why do they keep spreading these lies? There is NO link between abortion and cancer and it has been proven again and again. Infertility is a slight risk, it is not an automatic. In fact, I believe it is 1 in 10,000.

So...yea, although research proves otherwise, just as it proves abstinence education to be a failure--Ideologically-Driven Big Government is supporting and funding these lies.

Boy-In-The-Bubble is responsible for every unintended pregnancy that has occurred since 2000.

What is truly interesting is when you click the link it states: "The page may have moved or may no longer be available".