Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Two Steps Back on Pine Ridge

Tribal council outlaws abortion - Fire Thunder suspended

The Oglala Sioux tribal council banned all abortions on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and suspended President Cecelia Fire Thunder on Tuesday, charging that she solicited donations on behalf of the tribe for a proposed abortion clinic without the council's approval.

Will Peters, a tribal council represntative, made a motion to suspend Fire Thunder indefinitely, and when that failed, voted to suspend her for 20 days until an impeachment hearing could take place. That motion passed.

"This whole thing was an ambush," Fire Thunder said, adding that she never solicited donations and never was asked whether she had actually accepted any money.

Some in the tribe were outraged when Fire Thunder, responding to Gov. Mike Rounds' signature on a bill that would ban most abortions in South Dakota, said she would work to open a Planned Parenthood clinic on the reservation, beyond the reach of state law.

"It got crazy," Fire Thunder said. "On Friday they were passing around a flyer that said 'Wilma Mankiller - Cecelia Babykiller.' "

Mankiller was the first female principal chief of the Cherokee Nation; Fire Thunder is the first female president of the Oglala Sioux.

"Women need services. Women need support. Right now on the Pine Ridge reservation, there's very little support for women who have been raped," Fire Thunder said.

Today, the tribe banned abortions on the reservation.

But the clinic, which will be called Sacred Choices, already has a group of women who have agreed to form a board of directors.

"We have a lot of support, nationwide and, literally, globally," Betty Bull Bear said, one of the women on the board, though she estimated support among tribal members was evenly divided.

"I do not feel comfortable telling a woman what she can or can't do with her body," Peters said. "Yet at the same time, I share the cultural viewpoint that life is sacred."

Many believe abortion to be against Lakota values.

Bitch Ph.D. explains eloquently:
"in communities with a history of ethnic or racial oppression, the patriarchal tensions around issues of women's autonomy are complicated by fears that abortion, specifically, constitutes a form of genocide. In fact, I think the combination of racism and sexism is particularly toxic when it comes to women's reproductive rights".

"So, once again, ensuring the rights of all women means we have to recognize that the oppression of women intersects with, and is perpetuated by, other forms of oppression: racism, poverty, fundamentalism, and so on. We need to keep finding ways to come together across this shit, to lend one another support, and to figure out ways to cope when women's solidarity generates backlash."

Bag-o-douche of a lifetime: James Dobson

Focus on the Family Founder James Dobson says: “Homosexuals are not monogamous. They want to destroy the institution of marriage,” Dobson said. “It will destroy marriage. It will destroy the Earth.”

1-People are not monogomous. Ask Jesse Jackson.

2-Divorce destroys marriage, and since only heteros can marry...

3-It will destroy the earth? Not global warming or nuclear bombs...but homos?

The fact is: You are a bigot. You are a hate-monger. You are a liar. You are a hypocrite.

The Christian Taliban may place "family values" at the center of their rhetoric, but they only value families so long as those families conform to certain religious standards...theirs.

HB1215 poll

Think this pic is ridiculous? This is South; YOUR backyard.

The Sioux Falls Argus Leader is running a poll about whether or not the South Dakota abortion ban should be repealed.

Do something. I encourage all lurkers to spend 30 seconds and use your voice.


(billboard in the heart of bible-territory: Alabama)
Again, who knew Jesus was so political?

Bush...ahh, whatev.

There are so many reasons to impeach King George, but I support Bill Maher when he calls for impeaching The Bitch, not with dignity, but for the same reasons as Clinton: "for absolutely nothing at all".

He wants him impeached over lying about "that fish".

I've been searching and finally found it, see video here.

Truly hilarious shit.

Toto, I've a feeling we're not in America anymore

Found at The Abstinence Clearinghouse.

An abstinence Leadership Conference will be hosted in Kansas next week with the ususal stock-pile of lies and bible rhetoric.

This year, the conference has a theme: The Wizard of Oz.

"The movie shows a classic struggle of a lost girl and her misfit friends finding their way, against great odds and in the face of risk to reach their full potential. Many of the scenes and themes in this classic movie can be allegories for today's youth."

One of the panels include:
Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead! Which Old Witch? (The "Safe-Sex" Witch)

Some of the unbiased speakers include:
Leslee bago-o-douche Unruh, Abstinence Clearinghouse
Robert "The Rectum" Rector, The Heritage Foundation

Also to note: Bag-o-douche Rector is scheduled to have a debate with a contraception expert. I love the wording here: "Mr. Rector will debate an expert on Contraceptive Sex Education…if one will accept the invitation."

Yea, cause history hasn't proved that your "debates" are actually morality-attacks that are filled with biased lies, skewed stats, unproven theories, blatant scare tactics and bible versus.

And please don't forget to check out a jingle.

Petition run-off scum

Who is Leslee Unruh and what is her role in the South Dakota abortion ban?

Click here.

After the South Dakota Healthy Families press release yesterday, "Unruh said there have been questions about whether signatures were collected properly, and supporters of the ban plan to comb through the names to make sure they are valid. "

One last desperate attempt to challenge the legality of the petition, because pro-choice supporters must be criminals too! We forge names and work illegally to accomplish things.

But we didn't pressure girls, did we yambag?

We didn't promise them money for their babies, right bag-o-douche?

We didn't plead "no contest", did we nutbag?

Who's the real criminal here?


Jan Nicolay, co-chair of the Healthy Families group, said if abortion opponents are concerned, they should do the review.

"Tell them to go ahead and look," she said. "I'm not going to play that game."

South Dakota Rep. Roger Hunt told CBS affiliate KELO-TV in Sioux Falls that it is the public's prerogative to call for a referendum on the law. "This is an important right that our people have. I sometimes call this the fourth branch of government."

This is the same man who was trying to change the date of the last session, thereby challenging the petition's due date.

Because boo-hoo, we can't play fair!

Another lying hypocrite to add to the list.

Truly Relevant News

Gotta love the media.

With a war going on, Big Government spying on Americans, CIA leakes by orders in the Insane House, nukes in the Middle/Far East and a terrorist cell plotting to kill us, Fox News wants to know the REAL news:

Condi's favorite songs.

See Chris Wallace in this Video.

Adam and Steve just need a good, solid pillow

What's up with the influx of "recovered" homosexuals?

It's amazing that doctors, scientists, phychiatrists cannnot answer why people are gay; biological or know, nature vs. nurture...yet this guy knows the answer?

Homosexuality is not a disease that can be "cured", as the fundies would love for us to believe.

Mind you this nutbag is unlicensed, hits a pillow with a tennis racket and holds a grown man in his lap and softly rubs his back.

And now you are cured, Adam.

That will be 100 dollars...and your phone number.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

off our backs seeks submissions

off our backs
Seeks submissions on:
Women and Fundamentalist Religion
Deadline: 6/12/06

Possible topics include:

*Fundamentalist religion as a cornerstone of male heterosupremacy
*Fundamentalism as theological pornography
*Why women stay: fundamentalist religion as an abusive relationship
*The appeal of fundamentalist religion
*Fundamentalism and woman-hating
*Dominion theologies, male supremacy and the rape of the earth
*Christian reconstruction, theonomy, and the ongoing attack on separation of church and state
*Fundamentalist taxonomy: who are the fundamentalists? How are they alike? How are they different?
*Civil and ecclesiastical laws impeding women’s escape from fundamentalist religions
*Exited fundamentalists as radical feminists
*Abuses of power in fundamentalist religions
*Sexual violence, including rape, incest, child sexual abuse in fundamentalist religions
*Battering and domestic violence in fundamentalist religions
*Emotional abuse in fundamentalist religions
*Spiritual abuse in fundamentalist religions
*Abortion, birth control and access to reproductive services for women in fundamentalist religions
*Raising children in fundamentalist religion
*Women's radical communities and activism within fundamentalist religious groups
*The feminist legacy of women mystics
*Theologies of suffering: fundamentalism and sadomasochistic sexuality and relationships
*Oppression of women exited from fundamentalist religion

For manuscript submission guidelines, please visit our website or call us at 202.234.8072

off our backs
2337B 18th Street, NWWashington, DC 20009
voice: 202-234-8072
fax: 202-234-8092
email: mailto:offourbacks@cs.com
or email me, Heart/Cheryl at:

Guest Editor, off our backs

off our backs is the longest surviving feminist publication in the United States. Since 1970, it has been run by a collective of women who make all editorial and business decisions by consensus.

Uganda's fate determined by The Decider

From Talk To Action:

Uganda was once an HIV prevention success story, where an ambitious government-sponsored prevention campaign, including massive condom distribution and messages about delaying sex and reducing numbers of partners, pushed HIV rates down from 15 percent in the early 1990s to 5 percent in 2001.

But conservative evangelicals rewrote this history.

Crushing news out of Uganda last week.

The Bush administration's $1 billion experiment in using abstinence messages as the basis of HIV prevention has born its first fruit:
In a public speech on May 18, Uganda's AIDS Commissioner Kihumuro Apuuli announced that HIV infections have almost doubled in Uganda over the past two years, from 70,000 in 2003 to 130,000 in 2005.

And despite this chilling wake-up call, Bush has empowered Christian right activists to continue to push their abstinence-only agenda at a UN Special Session on HIV/AIDS, to begin next week.

The whole article is a must-read, as it outlines all the key players involved in the abstinence conspiracy.

Good News of the Day

Kansas state lawmakers on Thursday failed by four votes to override Gov. Kathleen Sebelius' (D) veto of a measure (SB 528) that would have required physicians who perform late-term abortions to supply the state with data about women undergoing the procedure, the AP/Kansas City Star reports.

The measure, which Sebelius vetoed last Friday, would have required physicians to submit to state health officials information detailing fetal abnormalities, the pregnant woman's health and the name of the physician who authorized the abortion.

State lawmakers voted 23-12 to override Sebelius' veto, falling short of the required two-thirds majority of 27 votes, according to the Wichita Eagle.

Sebelius in her veto message wrote that the measure did not take steps to reduce the number of abortions, adding, "Instead, it will force women to provide intimate, sensitive health information to the government."

She also wrote, "Privacy is a fundamental concern to all Kansans".

Watch and learn

Planned Parenthood has a new video clip available for viewing.

How Pregnancy Happens: The Facts

Click here to watch this video and share with your friends.

"pro-life"...your guess is as good as mine

The term "pro-life" has a whole new meaning these days.

A new video game, Left Behind: Eternal Forces, is based on a series of books that have already set sales records - the blockbuster Left Behind series of 14 novels by writer Jerry B. Jenkins and his visionary collaborator, retired Southern Baptist minister Tim LaHaye.

"We hope teenagers like the game," Mr. LaHaye told the Los Angeles Times. "Our real goal is to have no one left behind."

Now The Hypocrites are condoning violence. Just against certain people is all.

You either convert, or bam! you're dead.

I don't know which is worse. Wait...yes I do.

Once again the Hypocratic Reich, who have whined incessantly about violence in video games morally corrupting our children, are the very ones who are not only making this anti-american video, but they are the ones promoting it as well.

"Pro-life" seems to mean anything these days that suites the agenda of The Reich.

Certainly doesn't have anything to do with the sanctity of life.

As I have said before, the "culture of life" liars are known for statements, and now vidoes, that condone killing people who simply don't agree with them or adhere to their code.

Now they can 'pretend' to just blow us off the planet. Talk about a Reich Utopia.

Finally an explanation for all those lesbos!

Yikes. Who knew?

In a podcast interview, ex-gay fundie Janet Boynes is spreading her message of homo-recovery.

Here we learn that "From what I know I believe there’s 80% of women, between 80 and 85% of women that are struggling with homosexuality were either raped by someone they knew or somebody outside of that normally there’s some type of rape or some kind of molestation in our past."

Where this ridiculously made-up stat comes from, who knows.

Um, then how does this marvelous statistic explain the other 25-20% of lesbians who weren't victims of sexual abuse/assault?

And might I add, where is the stat that shows how many women WERE assualted that AREN'T lesbians?

Who is Janet Boynes you ask?

A "former lesbian" who speaks at bible-thumping conventions to let other sinners know that they can be cured from homosexuality if they accept Christ.

As in Jeeeeesus Christ, are you kidding me lady?

Signatures to be filed today!

Announcement from South Dakota Healthy Families:

Thanks to the hard work of 1,200 volunteers in 138 different cities and towns -- in nine weeks time -- today, we will be filing petitions with the names of nearly 38,000 South Dakotans who are calling for the repeal of the extreme abortion legislation enacted by the South Dakota legislature and signed into law by Governor Mike Rounds on March 6.

To all of you who were part of this tremendous effort, thank you. We will keep you posted about the next steps to be taken in this campaign.

Official total: 37,846

Monday, May 29, 2006

Bible Beating is Leisurely Fun

I would guess the foster children of these folks, because they beat their kids with a Bible.

“A person who would hit a child with a Bible is someone who should have spent more time reading it,” said Clay County Prosecutor Dan White.

My sentiments exactly.

Memorial Day...

Memorial Day.

Today I will remember the 2,346 United States men and women who have died for this unecessary, government-sponsored war. (as of 3/06)

I will remember the lives of countless other Iraqi civilians lost, believed to be between 38,059 and 42,434.

Have a nice day, Bush.

I will remember.

I will never forget.

Thoughts of the day

I have been thinking alot lately about the new wave of condemnation by the Reich.

While I don't look down on abstinence--in fact, I respect those who CHOOSE it--I, on the other hand, AM looked down on by choosing NOT to abstain.

As if they are better than me. Or I have no morals. Or worse, I am not a spiritual person.

This has been the reasoning behind their attack on contraception, that if we support birth control or even use it ourselves, then we aren't moral people. We aren't even good people.

First, these bats are way off.
Second, these are the people who have infiltrated our government and have decided what is best for us--by determining our nation's laws.

Most Americans are good people and want to make decisions for themselves, that is in accordance with their own moral system.

We just don't want government intrusion into private, medical decisions.

By imposing religious laws on us, the line between church and state is breached.

By imposing religious laws in us, we have become Afghanistan, ruled by Sharia law.

We don't want our government making laws that force extreme ideology onto us, because by imposing religious laws on us, The Reich not only threatens a woman's right to decide when to start a family, but also threatens our religious freedoms.

The Christian Mob loves the "do as I say, not as I do" approach, for they are the worst kind of hypocrite. They preach and condem, all the while never following their own Word.

Hate is not a moral value. Hate is not a spiritual value.

They condemn women walking into clinics, yet don't believe the same condemption applies to them when they enter for their own appointment.

They say sex is for procreation only, yet they support Vaigra. No rogue pharmacist refuses grandpa his refill.

If these "culture of life" zealots weren't hypocrites, they wouldn't encourage or practice the rythm method either, which has been found (New Scientist) to kill more embryos than I ever could taking EC, or even aborting.

Hypocrites who do not live their Word, yet expect everyone else to.

Hypocrites who do not even bother asking if its OUR Word.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Caught wind of a horrific website that may or may not be a "joke".

The good ol' boys have proven to us yet again, that misogyny is alive and thriving at

Lighten up, some may say.

I say, why should I?

If I dropped the "n" bomb, then followed it with "it's just a joke", I doubt people would buy it because the reality is; most of these so-called "jokes" are based on some form of belief of the joker.

Here are a few of the reasons that I will not lighten up:

Marry foreign women only

This is not only promoting age-old ignorance, but it is promoting dangerous situations for many of these foreign women. They believe they are coming to America for a better life, only to find their new life is defined in servitude. Not to mention the monsterous trafficking possibilities.

80% of American mothers have postpartum depression

Prove it.

Majority of American women have Histrionic and Narcissistic disorders

Prove it.

90% of American women marry up

This is a symptom of oppression and inequality that most women end up marrying men who make more money than them. If many of the social inequalities were extinct, most people would finally marry their "equals" every way possible.

American women are fucked, they priced themselves out of the market

We are not cattle to be bought.

Fucking decent mid-priced whores twice a week is less expensive than a wife

I won't comment on the inference of women being whores.

How women manipulate you

People manipulate, it is not a woman-only quality.

Enduring The Incessant Whining of Single Females on Valentines Day

Typical misogynistic rhetoric about whining wimmins.

Whatev, bag-o-douche.

13 year old recants her story of gang rape

The news has let us know about a 13-year-old Zion girl who was gang raped by 7 boys in a basement laundry room.

Now it appears that with the help of local officials, the girl claims it was actually consensual.

What I find disturbing here is that something clearly happened, it's not as if nothing happened in that room. What is truly disturbing to me is that her interpretation has changed.

How did this come to be?

Anyone who has been educated in sexual assault knows that recanting is quite common and does not always, and usually doesn't mean the assault never happened. It is a common reaction to trauma, denial, shame, exhaustion, confusion, stress, fear of retaliation and even peer/adult pressure.

Originally, the police had this to say:
"There's a tremendous amount of evidence, and we believe we have a solid case and we'll make arrests," Lt. Wayne Brooks said.

Now however, "Physical evidence also showed there was no coercion", according to Chief Doug Malcolm.

Where did all this evidence go?

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Sexism in sports. What's new?

U.S. Open Champion Michael Campbell was asked last week whether Michelle Wie would be given a sponsor’s exemption to play against men in a European Tour event this coming fall.

"I can go two different ways with this question. I can be politically correct and say it's wonderful to see Michelle Wie at a European Tour event and promote it. Or I could say she's got to prove herself that she can win on the women's tour before she can have a chance to play on the men's tour. . . Michelle Wie is obviously a wonderful talent, but she needs to prove herself."

Why do we need to prove ourselves?
Does anyone question whether a young male is good enough to play?
If they suck, they don't win!
I thought that was the whole point of competition.
So, this guy must not support a man playing that has not won a men's tour.
I doubt he has ever told a man, "sorry, you must first win a men's tour and then we'll talk".

And another gem:
Richard Petty, a racer, lets us wimmins know that racing is just too tough. We should stick to, I don't know...makin' babies.

"I don't think it's a sport for women. And so far, it's proved out. It's really not. It's good for them to come in. It gives us a lot of publicity, it gives them publicity. But as far as being a real true racer, making a living out of it, it's kind of tough."

Oh, right. It's good we come because nothing beats a tits and ass shot for publicity and ratings.

The Lancet calls on US to allow access to EC

The Lancet is calling on the FDA to dismiss political pressure and allow emergency contraception to be sold without a prescription.

The Lancet is a leading international medical journal that is published in London.

In its May 20 edition, The Lancet said acting FDA Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach must make an independent decision on Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc's bid to sell its Plan B drug -- also known as a "morning after pill" -- over-the-counter, especially if he is to lead the agency on a permanent basis.

Editors at the Lancet said von Eschenbach's "failure to act indicates he may not be independent enough to run the FDA".

Like all the other Decider's appointees.

"His failure to issue a decision undermines both his credibility and that of the agency. Von Eschenbach should move quickly to approve Plan B to show he has the independence needed to be an effective leader of the FDA," the editorial said.

To be clear: the credibility of the agency is extinct!
It has been infected, infiltrated and compromised.
It has been bought.
It has been in King George's pocket since he began his term.

"The agency is stalling, apparently to avoid offending antiabortion supporters of President Bush, who claim that the contraceptive is an abortifacient," it added.

Which EC isn't, regardless of all the evidence, evidence, evidence to prove otherwise.

Opponents not only claim EC is abortion, but also that access to EC encourages promiscuity (whatev).

The most insightful piece of the article is when The Lancet rightfully reminds the FDA how to properly run its own organization:

"The FDA must be led by a commissioner willing to take independent stands, following the best judgment of his expert staff and scientific advisers, even when that means incurring the wrath of patients' groups, industry, Congress and the White House," the Lancet said.

Exactly. We need our FDA to do its job, without bending over and taking it in the ass from The Reich Goons, King George or any other zealot trying to run this country.

We’re still waiting, FDA....

"If the right of privacy means anything, it is the right of the individual, married or single, to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget a child."
-Justice Brennen, Eisenstadt v. Baird, 405 U.S. 438

1,927 days, 17 hours, and 7 minutes...that is how long women have been waiting.

Controversial Cunt

Thick and ludacris controversy over Sgt. Jennifer Scala carrying a copy of Inga Muscio's Cunt into a courtroom for her testimony in the court marshall of Abu Ghraib prison guard Sgt. Michael J. Smith.

Seems the Baltimore Sun ran the article and then on March 15, the Sun issued an unusual apology:

A photograph published yesterday with an article about the court-martial of a guard at Abu Ghraib prison showed a book cover that contained an obscenity. The obscenity went unnoticed during editing and should not have been published. Publication of the photo violates The Sun's guidelines. The Sun apologizes for the oversight.


In the Huffington Post, Susie Bright's I Can't Wrap My Vulva Around This, she asks of Scala:

"So is Jennifer Scala coming to her senses, and ready to stick it to the man? Or does she just like pissing people off whenever the occasion comes up?"

Maybe she was reading it while she waited. Ever think of that snoot?

Why does reading a feminist book equate with pissing people off?

It' not like she was reading Mein Kemp.

Friday, May 26, 2006

South Dakota Women: Owned and Controlled

Black Hills reports that "in an effort to eliminate options for birth, the State of South Dakota has reaffirmed it's stance that Certified Nurse Midwives may not attend home births in South Dakota."

Once again, South Dakota is way out of touch with the rest of America.

And they aren't just attempting to eliminate options for birth, obviously.

They are attempting to eliminate options...PERIOD.

"They are fighting for the rights of the unborn but won't allow women who choose life, to birth at home safely" says Certified Nurse Midwife Jeanne Prentice.

This will lead to some women delivering with midwives in motels across state lines.

Basically saying that we will not only have women traveling state lines and borders to receive abortions, but also just to give birth in the manner in which they choose.


One of the most hilarious condoms commercial ever created.

And here, this anchor completely misses the boat...

Bush's Cross Costs Lives

An urgent action from Planned Parenthood:

Last month, the U.S. government’s own Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report that made headlines for weeks. Why? The report found that the Bush administration’s insistence on abstinence-only HIV prevention programs is crippling our ability to fight this deadly virus.

The Bush administration’s ideologically-motivated insistence on using abstinence-only programs to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean is costing lives in the very countries we most need to help.

Currently, one third of all global AIDS prevention funds must go to abstinence-only-until-marriage programs, despite the fact that they do NOT work!

Not only are abstinence-only programs ineffective, they are diverting desperately-needed resources from programs that are effective in preventing the spread of the virus.

In order to comply with this funding requirement, programs have had to reduce funding for essential Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission programming, as well as programs for people with the highest risk of contracting HIV -- sexually active youth, truckers, sex workers, and couples in which one partner is HIV negative and the other is HIV positive.

The Bush administration’s unscientific insistence on abstinence-only programs is preventing HIV/AIDS programs from helping the people that are most at risk and most in need of help.

Click here to help save lives by urging your members of Congress to stop funding these ineffective abstinence-only programs immediately.

Specter: "S" Stands for Secrets

Last week Senator Feingold blasted Chariman Arlen Specter for cowardly attempting to pass a Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage in a closed session of the Judicary Committee.

It passed and now goes to the floor for a full Senate vote.

See it for yourself!

This amendment is a transparent and sick attempt by The Reich Congress to assure the Christian Mob vote.

Jeff Cafferty is right on when he states "Today's lesson in hypocrisy comes to us courtesy of the Senate Judiciary Committee".

"This is all being done by the Republican majority in an effort to appeal to rightwing nuts in the Repulican party ahead of the upcoming mid-term elections. Ignore all the pressing issues facing the country and instead go grovel at the feet of lunatic fringe. Senator Frist should be very proud of himself. That's leadership."

Boo to Chairman Specter for holding the vote in a secret room.
Boo on you Chairman bag-o-douche.

Idiot of a lifetime: Judge Kristine Cecava


I usually try to control myself. But this is just..I just don't even know a word for it.

Judge rules sex offender is too short for prison.

I say again: WTF???

His crimes deserved a long sentence, District Judge Kristine Cecava said, but she worried that Richard W. Thompson, 50, would be especially imperiled by prison dangers.

I wasn't aware you had to be a certain height to receive fair and equal sentencing.

Plenty of criminals have to be placed in maximum security facilities, or even isolation to protect them from other prisoners. Why is this predator being treated differently?

It's ridiculous when people are mandatory-sentenced for personla drug use, but predators get probation.

I guess all men with a Napolean complex are free to rape and molest children because now they can receive a get-out-of-jail-for-free card.

Will people be able to start using as a defense during sentencing that they are "too pretty" and they too fear they may be "especially imperiled"?

Sounds ridiculous. But so did being short.

You should be proud of yourself, Judge bag-o-douche Cecava.
The message you are sending is loud and clear.

It's my period and I'll bleed if I want to

Areas that the Pope is planning to visit, including the cities of Warsaw and Krakow, will be dry, with a ban on all alcohol sales while the Pope is in town.

Didn't Jesus turn water into wine? Or was that David Blaine? I get them confused.

And television advertisements for alcohol have also been banned, along with those for contraceptives, lingerie and tampons.

The decision about what to censor was determined by “teams of Catholic journalists.”

I could go on for decades about the contraception issue, but my tyrade will be directed at the most blatant hatred of women---the ban of tampon commercials.

Friggin' tampons???

Listen Pope bag-o-douche:
I am a woman.
I get periods.
It is a fact of life.
It is a part of life.
I am not ashamed of my periods.
I am not dirty because I menstruate.
I am not a whore because I menstruate.
I am not hysterical because I menstruate.
I am not going to apologize for having periods.
I am not going to pretend I don't get periods just to please you, old man.

A TV ad about lingerie and tampons must be too much of a reminder about women's dirty parts and their bodily functions.

I have come to believe that the Pope is an impotent little man who is afraid of women, thinks they are dirty and shameful, slutty sinnners who can not keep their legs closed and are the demise of this earth, can not be trusted to make their own decisions, and believes periods are a sign that women are evil because we bleed every month, yet do not die.

The End. Period.

GPS for Wisconsin Predators

via UPI.

Wisconsin has enacted a law that requires paroled child molesters to wear a Global Positioning System tracking device for at least 20 years.

"Expanded GPS will help law enforcement know exactly where these people are every minute of every day," said Gov. Jim Doyle as he signed the bill into law Monday in Madison.

Under the system, warnings would be issued if a sex offender gets near a school, park or other places frequented by children, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Tuesday.

Several other bills toughening criminal penalties for sex offenders were also signed into law Monday, including a 25-year mandatory sentence for first-degree sexual assault of a child.

Some may claim this to be a violation of civil rights; the perp has done their time. However, it is widely accepted (and in the DSM-IV as such) that pedophelia is a non-treatable, incurable disease.

The recitivism rate of these offenders is high...and typically inevitable.

Our society had decided that for public safety, civil committment is necessary for our most violent predators. Why not extend that by monitoring these people to truly ensure public safety of our children?

I"ll say it again: we are the only mammals on earth that do not definitively and consistently separate the predators from the herd.

I support this legislation as a person who is educated about mental health and as a concerned citizen.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Bag-o-douche of the second: Bill O'Reilly

During the May 23 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, Bill O'Reilly asserted that "many Americans ages 18 to 24 have no idea what's going on," stating that they "get their news from Comedy Central host Jon Stewart and their point of view from bomb-throwing entertainers."

He self-righteously states this, while all the evidence proves otherwise.

In fact, studies have shown that viewers of Comedy Central's The Daily Show with John Stewart are consistently better informed about current events than consumers of other media, and Daily Show viewers are considerably better educated than viewers of The O'Reilly Factor.

In 2004, the nonpartisan Annenberg Public Policy Center released its National Annenberg Election Survey, which found Daily Show viewers to be better informed on campaign issues than consumers of other late-night television programs, newspapers, network news, or cable news.

Also, according to CNN, Nielsen Media Research statistics show that when directly compared with O'Reilly Factor viewers, "Stewart's viewers are not only smart, but more educated than O'Reilly's.":

  • Daily Show" viewers are 78 percent more likely than the average adult to have four or more years of college education, while O'Reilly's audience is only 24 percent more likely to have that much schooling.

Additionally, an October 2003 study conducted by the University of Maryland's Program on International Policy (PIPA) found Fox News viewers were "significantly more likely to have misperceptions" about the Iraq war than all other media consumers.

And during Stewart's appearance on the September 17, 2004, edition of The O'Reilly Factor, O'Reilly told Stewart that his Daily Show viewers were "stoned slackers" and "dopey kids," and declared it was "really frightening" that Stewart actually had "an influence on this presidential election."

This may be attributed to delusional thinking, perhaps his boy Rush gave him too many Oxy's?

Or he is simply projecting the truth of his audience onto Stewart's. Either way, he's just nuts.

O'Reilly is nothing more than a sexually harrassing blow-hard who prides himself on degrading women, dismissing and attacking anyone who disagrees with his hate-politics and apppointing himself to a standard he so obviously does not deserve.

Former FDA Commissioner Crawford Exposed

Two top FDA officials last month testified that former FDA Commissioner Lester Crawford excluded them from the approval process regarding Barr Laboratories' application for nonprescription sales of its emergency contraceptive Plan B, according to depositions from a lawsuit released this week by the Center for Reproductive Rights, the Long Island Newsday reports.

The two officials, Dr. Janet B. Woodcock and Dr. Steven Galson, said Crawford effectively cut them out of a process they normally participate in and handled the matter by himself.

Lester M. Crawford, then acting commissioner of the FDA, intervened in early 2005 as the agency's staff was preparing to authorize over-the-counter sales to women 17 years and older.

A nonpartisan congressional investigation reported in November the "unusual" involvement of the commissioner's office, but the nature of his role in the decision was not clear until yesterday.

As part of the lawsuit, Woodcock, an FDA deputy commissioner, testified that she had asked Crawford why she wasn't involved in the Plan B approval process. "He said he was, you know, going to take this decision by himself," she said

Galson, who heads the FDA's drug evaluation division, said he "saw a clear path to approve" Plan B, but Crawford expressed concern and said "he was going to make the decision on what to do with the application."

Galson said he recommended approval, and there was no scientific basis for Crawford's decision. Galson told Woodcock that Crawford might have been acting under pressure from Congress, the Bush administration or both, Woodcock testified.

Golly gee, really? Who would imagine that oustide influence from King George, or the Reich Congress would prevent women from controlling their own bodies, thus allowing them true autonomy?

It's puppets like Lester the Chester that aid in the control and oppression of women by denying them the right to own their own decisions.

How much did they pay you, you bag-o-douche?

What job were you gauranteed?

Women know what is best for them; not The Decider, not The Christian Mob Congress, and certainly not you Mr. bag-o-douche Crawford.

Can we please get back to the day when the FDA did it's job and regulated the safety or drugs, based on science and reason, and not moral hysteria.

Since when did the FDA become the spiritual leader of this country?

And let me ask this: why isn't there any hype about Viagra? Allowing men to have boners for 10 hours will probably make them want to have sex...why aren't they splitting at the seams about THOSE implications? Why isn't The Reich concerned about possible promiscuity, or sex outside the "marriage boundary", huh?

I would also like to add that although it appears Dr. Woodcock to be a hero in this case, she in fact is part of the moral hijacking of Plan B. She is believed to have written a March 23, 2004, staff memo suggesting she was concerned Plan B might lead to teenage promiscuity.

Again, is she a medical doctor or a zealot leader?

This is a symptom of a larger disease of the The Reich infiltrating our political and scientific communities and erasing the necessary lines between Church and State.

Too many of our political leaders have decided they are our religious leaders (King George) and too many of our religious leaders have decided they are our political leaders (Jerry Fallwell).

Our skies are becoming a political battlefield

The San Francisco-based 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Honolulu's ban on aerial advertising, despite rejections from The Center for Bio-Ethical Restriction, who uses the aerials to portray foot-long banners of aborted fetuses.
The group claims the law restricts their free speech, but the Court ruled the law was a reasonable restriction.

I will go farther and say they just have bad taste and will stop at nothing. Now they are using planes to spread their lies and oppression of women?

I mean, I'm on vacation...lying on a beach, with my child...having a time...why do I have to be forced to look at dead feti? Why does my child have to be a victim to someone else's warped ideologues?

Pseudo-morality isn't exclusive to the streets anymore. Now they want our skies.

When did the skies become a political strategy?

Can't I just look up to let the sun shine on my face without "politics" being crammed down my throat? (I put this in quotations because I don't believe abortion is, or should be, a political issue)

The Truth Unveiled

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What would Jesus do?

So it seems the DaVinci Code has spurred some hostility in The Corrupt Church.

Not so hard to do these days really.

In fact, a bounty has been placed on the author, Dan Brown.

Yikes, not only does FICTION make The Reich Zombies come out of the woodworks, but it is quite representative of a larger movement within The Reich.

Supporting death to people who disagree with the Christian Mob.

We see this with influenced politicians who remark about supporting the death penalty for those who take lives, i.e abortion providers, (yet support the war) and now this:

Nicolas Almeida, a Catholic, offered a reward of 1.1 million rupees ($25 000) for the head of author Dan Brown.

Bag-o-douche Almeida is a true Catholic, indeed...for a simple confession with his pedophile priest will wash away his sin with a mere 10 Hail Mary's and 5 Our Fathers.

Not just a brand of fruit

Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle signed a bill yesterday that will require all sex education classes in the state to put an extra-special emphasis on abstinence.

A spokesman for the governor assured that most Wisconsin schools already take that approach.

Then why is it necessary to make it mandatory?

Is it to appease outside influence? To hush the whining and screaming of The Christian Mob?

Sex education teachers must present abstinence as the preferred behavior for unmarried people under the bill.

Homophobic influence is written all over this legislation, since gays can't marry and all. No sex for you, sodomizing sinners. EVER.

The legislation means teachers must emphasize that refraining from sex before marriage is the most effective way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Except that research shows otherwise, including similar rates of STD's.

And in Wisconsin alone, the overall infection rate of the four top sexually transmitted diseases actually increased by 3 percent among teens between 1993 and 2004.

None of that matters though, cause ignoring scientific research is the new black these days.

Lots o' hot air

In a recent article, Time To Address Domestic Violence Abuses by Phyllis "Windbag" Schlafly, she enlightens us that we have it all wrong.

That domestic violence laws are "criminalizing of ordinary private behavior".

Well, bag-o-douche Schlafly, the Supreme Court thinks otherwise.

Last week, the Court ruled that police have the right to enter a domicile without a warrant in emergencies, such as when violence is suspected.

While some people have voiced concern over abuse of power, and righteously so, I know that law enforcement does not take domestic disturbance calls lightly.

That in fact, they are the most dangerous calls to answer and are cause of the most injuries.

I truly hope these situations are not abused, and that they are able to help victims.

Jon Stewart: The Man, The Legend

For anyone who missed Jon Stewart with guest Ramesh Ponnuru, who was discussing his new book, The Party of Death, This was great.

I always find it amazing when fake "reporters" ask the hard-hitting questions that the media refuses to ask these idiots.

Jon and Colbert have been on fire, and I for one applaud their tenacity.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Satan: A Man of Few Words

Who was Satan talking to here?
Lemme guess, Pat Robertson...
But who knew Satan was so political?

A One Woman Show

At The New School's graduation commencement, a lone woman stood her ground. A lone woman inspired a nation.

Choosing to ditch her prepared speech, which she discusses at length on the Huffington Post, Jean Rohe chose instead to shred a man whose soul is so wretched, it makes people vomit in their throats.

The man slated to speak was John McCain. Yes, Senator John McCain.

Ms. Rohe utilized her time to rip apart McCain's "stock" speech that he has previously spewed at 2 other universities and to affirm to everyone that "the senator does not reflect the ideals upon which this university was founded."

John McCain's recorse was to proclaim "I feel sorry for people living in a dull world where they can't listen to the views of others," he said, and to have his aide Marl Salter publicy attack Rohe by saying Rohe "succeeded in making herself look like an idiot."

Listening to others is mutual sir!

But I ask you: Having people question your integrity and not believing your horrific lies are worthy of being labeled dull and incapable of listening? Of looking like an idiot?

How about people are sick of your hypocritical positions?

Salter writes, of Rohe and her graduating class, that it's "unlikely any of you will ever posses the one small fraction of the character of John McCain."

Read her speech here and see why Bitch McCain is crying in his shoes.

And Jean Rohe Responds to Mark Salter here.

Salter deperately attempts one last stab by stating The New School "could learn a thing or two about tolerance and respect from the students of Liberty University"

Jerry Falwell's Intolerance University?

The man you once claimed was an "agent of intolerance", Senator?

Oh yes, the Christian Mob and its sheep are SO known for their tolerance and respect.

Being brainwashed, lobotomized puppets that attack others with hate-filled venom are hardly what I would call upstanding, moral individuals.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Ignorance is heavenly

On my evening news, the local Christian Mob has recruited a motivational speaker to combat rising rates of teen pregnancy.

How will they accomplish this you ask? My, with the "Gospel of Abstinence" of course.

Praise Jesus.

Eh, does my weekly summary of empirical research findings that are emailed to the school board end up being used as toilet paper on the blistering boils of the Reich?

I really woulkd like to know what they do with my emails.

I suppose they delete them, along with any other evidence that their moral agenda doesn't work, is actaully counteractive and risks the lives of our youth.

Sympathy for the devil

"Zieg heil to the president"---Green Day

Catholic priests hail Hitler in this photo...yet they claim to be of God.

The morally corrupt Church decides for us what is right and wrong...but who do they answer to?

They protect pedophiles, they aligned themselves with The Devil Himself...yet call us sinners.

"People hungry for the voice of God hear lunatics and liars"--Paul Simon

Vote Out Bag-o-douche Napoli

It seems bag-o-douche Bill Napoli is up for re-election.

Bill Napoli of the infamous Virgin Mary rape exception.

Hopefully the people in that district will take him out, like the infested flea-bag he is.

South Dakota Legislature: See You in November!

I received a bulletin, the South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families has reached its goal!

Because of the hard and tireless work of hundreds of volunteers, the Campaign is turning in its petition signatures 3 weeks early, to avoid an expensive legal challenge by opponents.

Supposedly, there are a few anti-choice legislators, most specifically Roger Hunt, who are planning on challenging the petition deadline of June for a November ballot vote by rewriting when the last day of session was.

Amazing what lengths the Christian Mob will go to, especially when they fear losing...and resort to cheating.

The people of South Dakota will now decide for themselves, not bought and corrupt pseudo- politicians, if HB1215 is right for their state.

For more information, please email:

Lineage of Hate

The Ridiculous Reich is notorious for their self-absorbtion.

Typically, a Reich fundie exposes this truth like no other by foaming from the mouth.

I introduce you to Tom Coburn

Coburn, a doctor and US Senator from Oklahoma, has made statements that support killing people for basically disagreeing with The Church.

"On the death penalty, he said: “I favor the death penalty for abortionists and other people who take life.”

Ok, then you support killing President Bush, as he signed more death warrants as Governor of Texas than any other in history...aahh, I didn't think so. It's only who YOU think deserves it.

You "culture of life" baffoons are blatant hypocrites.

He said he performed two abortions to save the lives of mothers who had congenital heart disease, but opposes the procedure in cases of rape.

“Under the mores we live under today, my lineage wouldn’t exist,” Coburn said, explaining that his great-grandmother was raped by a territorial sheriff."

So because you might have not existed, than we should subject victims of rape to a life they do not want, or even asked for?

It's too bad your lineage wasn't extinct because it now breeds hate and ignorance.

The United Whites of America

I guess I have been confused as to my "duty", not only as a woman who exists solely to incubate feti, but as an American.

But alas! Bag-o-douche John Gibson has shown me the light.

On the May 11 edition of Fox News' The Big Story, host John Gibson advised viewers during the "My Word" segment of his program to "do your duty. Make more babies."

Is that the American way? What if I don't wanna...does that make me unpatriotic?

He then cited a May 10 article, which reported that nearly half of all children under the age of five in the United States are minorities.

Gibson added: "By far, the greatest number of children under five are Hispanic. You know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority of the population is Hispanic."

Gibson later claimed: "To put it bluntly, we need more babies."

To put it more bluntly, we need more white babies. Racist baffoon.

I would like to add that the beauty of this country is its diversity, its plethura of culture, its history of fleeing imposed ideologues.

Big Government has decided that we are to be English-speaking white people only.

What a racist in which I do not want to live.

We should appreciate and embrace difference, not hate and exploit it.

Hero of the day: Kansas Governor Sebelius

good news...the best part of wakin' up.

Kansas legislation requiring physicians to furnish the state with additional information when they perform abortions was vetoed Friday by Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who said it crossed the line on privacy issues.

You are my hero of the day, Governor.

The bill would have required physicians to inform state health officials about each late-term abortion and whether the fetus was abnormal.

It also would have expanded how much information doctors would have had to report, including how a woman would have been harmed without the procedure.

Eh, basically...not enough harm?...forced motherhood.

Sebelius said that the bill would “force women to provide intimate, sensitive health information to the government.”

That's the Sound of the Men

Florida Republican Governor Candidates for the Primary:

Attorney General Charlie Crist (bag-o-douche)

Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher (bag-o-douche)

Crist, known as Chang Gang Charlie, has affirmed he is "pro-life, pro-gun, pro-business and pro-family."

Pro-family...I beg to differ, Attorney General bag-o-douche.

Pro-family means allowing families to decide for themselves what is right for THEIR family, not Charlie Crist's family.

Pro-family means supporting and funding family planning services, so families can decide for themselves what is right for THEIR families, not Charlie Crist's family.

Tom Gallagher is a traitor to women.

At one time, he supported women's right to reproductive choice. He now claims otherwise, saying "he has solidified his conservative beliefs through the years".

Also known as...supporting legislation that restricts or eliminates choice.

Attention all Goons of the People: you are a bag-o-douche.

Jeb! is back...with the same hate as before

According to the Sun-Sentinel, Jeb! is back on the anti-gay bandwagon.

Gov. Jeb Bush said Friday night he's moving away from a longstanding position that there's no need for a constitutional ban on same-sex marriages.

At a fundraiser for the Florida Family Policy Council, a conservative group that backs such a ban, Bush said courts in other states overturning laws banning gay marriages have led him to the conclusion that a change to the Florida Constitution might be necessary.

"We may be at that point in our state," he said.

By the way, The Florida Family Policy Council is the same organization that pressed lawmakers and the courts last year to keep Terri Schiavo on a feeding tube.

Lovely group of people, deciding who gets to live...regardless of their wishes.

"The governor is effectively fundraising for an organization that wants to put discrimination right into our constitution," said Brian Winfield, an Equality Florida spokesman.

"It's an embarrassment to have the Republicans cater to a rabid antigay group," he said. "The governor is supposed to represent all Floridians, and I don't believe that most people in Florida think like this group."

He is also supposed to keep his morals to himself.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Who Done It?

Time for...Who done it?
Guess...NBA or the NFL?

36 have been accused of spousal abuse.
7 have been arrested for fraud.
19 have been accused of writing bad checks.
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses.
3 have done time for assault.
71, repeat 71, cannot get a credit card due to bad credit.
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges.
8 have been arrested for shoplifting.
21 currently are defendants in lawsuits,
and 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year!

Can you guess which organization this is?
Give up yet?

It's the wonderful 535 members of the United States Congress.

The same group of baffoons that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.

Thanks to my friend Michelle.

Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up?

Arizona state representatives voted in February to make it illegal for a woman to sell her eggs, but they refused to impose similar restrictions on men selling their sperm.

All hail the holy cock.

On a voice vote, the House of Representatives said that a woman who sells her eggs could be sent to prison for up to a year and fined up to $150,000.


Lawmakers also gave preliminary approval to a companion measure requiring that before women even donate their eggs, they be informed of medical risks. Here, too, legislators refused to warn men of the potential legal and ethical risks of donating sperm.

All hail the holy cock.

Rep. Bob Stump, R-Peoria, said both measures are necessary to protect the health of women. He also conceded that the medical risk remains the same whether the eggs are donated or sold. And nothing in his legislation makes donation illegal. really isn't about protecting women , or it would be illegal to donate as well.

It boils down to something so very simple: controlling women.

Several female legislators reacted angrily, saying this is really a question of whether lawmakers are going to treat men and women the same.

"I don't understand why a man could go out and sell part of his reproductive body … that a man can go and make money, but I as a woman cannot do it," complained Rep. Linda Lopez, D-Tucson.

While females understand how gender discriminate this legislation is, Stump said the disparate treatment is justified. And, he said, it has "nothing to do with gender politics."

There is never ANY justifiable reason for the Reich to decide what I can or can't do with my eggs.

Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Phoenix, said there is no reason to have one set of laws for men and another for women.

The Arizona Legislature will now be known as: The American Egg Board.

Found at:

Right Wing Influence

HPV Vaccine Declared Safe and Effective

The FDA’s leading advisory board has voted unanimously on the safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccine Gardasil.

HPV causes up to two-thirds of cervical cancer cases, which kills 290,000 women every year worldwide.

With the expectation of the FDA to follow the advisory board’s approval of the drug, which they have done historically, barring Plan B, Gardasil may be on sale in the U.S. by the end of the summer.

Of course, the drug will really only be accessible to people who can afford the $650 treatment cost. Ouch, ya'll!

Unfortunately, this means cervical cancer will become a poor woman's disease, and rich, white women will have no worries.

Almost raped? Don't fight or face a death sentence

In case you didn't know, Nazanin Mahabad Fatehi is an 18-year old Iranian who has been sentenced to death.

Her crime? Stabbing a man to death.

Why? Because he and two other men were trying to rape her and her niece.

Hhmm, if they HAD raped her she would have been tried for adultery, as women need more than 1 witness to a crime. And because rape is frowned upon, many times it brings "shame" to the family.

Her case is being reviewed this week by the Iranian Supremem Court.

This case is a true tragedy. Women being sentenced to death for fighting off their attackers?

Please this web page and take action for Nazanin today.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Rape Manual 101

In How to Pick Up a Really Hot Babe, men are given instructions on how to manipulate, exploit and assault women. Supposedly in a joking manner. HaHa.

I'm waiting to hear what is so funny about perpetuating the idea that women are objects, possessions to be had and kept...not as individuals.

I'm waiting to hear what is so funny about violence against women.

Here's a gem:
"Slide on over and ask her if she needs another drink. Clichéd, but the drunker she is, the more likely it is she'll overlook your painful short-comings and getting this babe unconscious is a worthwhile goal."

Nice rape endorsement.

Axis of Evil

Which fanatical zealot has brainwashed people into killing for their cause?

Which man sleeps well at night?


The Holt Family at the Arkansas Right-to-Life Memorial for the Unborn.

WANTED: For their imposed woman-hating policies.
State Sen. Jim Holt.
Arkansas Prosecutor Chuck Banks.
State Rep. Doug Matayo.

The Arkansas News Bureau reports they would support a state ban on abortion if appointed to lieutenant governor.

The Wire Hanger State's Billion Dollar Man

Jack Billion, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for South Dakota Governor, said he would not have signed a state ban on abortion that the state Legislature passed earlier this year, thew Associated press reports.

South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds (R) in March signed into law a bill (HB 1215) that bans abortion in the state except to save a pregnant woman's life.

Billion said the government should not involve itself in the abortion issue, adding, "I really think that government should be out of the business of dealing with personal health decisions, personal family and moral decisions."

Another democratic hopeful, Dennis Wiese, stated he would not have signed the ban either.

Wiese said that Rounds' decision to sign the ban demonstrated a lack of leadership.

However, he did add that he would not have signed the bill because he only would sign a measure that included "exceptions for the life and the health" of the pregnant woman.

So, it's not that you wouldn't sign it because you believe it's wrong to restrict's because it didn't have the correct restriction..I mean...wording.

Thanks, bag-o-douche.

Billion's got it right..the government has no place in my vagina.

Hey Missouri...blame Canada

Kaiser reports that the Kansas City Star on Tuesday examined the "struggle[s]" abortion-rights opponents have faced in their attempts to pass several abortion-related measures during the 2005 and 2006 Missouri Legislature sessions.

According to the Star, at the end of the 2006 session, only one of Gov. Matt Blunt's (R) three "meaningful pro-life" proposals -- a bill (HB 1485) that would give a tax credit for donations to pregnancy centers that do not perform abortions or refer women to clinics that perform the procedure -- had been passed.

May I ask...what would be considered a "non-meaningful pro-life" proposal?
Typical wording.

Measures that proposed restricting who could teach sex education in schools and allowing pharmacists to decline to fill prescriptions for emergency contraception, which can prevent pregnancy if taken up to 72 hours after sexual intercourse, along with "several other antiabortion measures with much lower profiles" failed in the state Legislature, the Star reports.

Although most Missouri Republicans and many Democratic lawmakers say they are "pro-life," relations between lawmakers and many advocacy groups have been "frosty," the Star reports.

In addition, state House and Senate leadership have blamed each other for failing to approve more proposals for which groups that oppose abortion rights advocated, according to the Star.

Texas Hold 'Em

The state of Texas Department of Health Services officials have said they are redistributing nearly $5.2 million in family planning funding to Planned Parenthood Federation of America and other health care providers in Texas that lost the money under a law passed last year that gave priority to many first-time providers, the AP/Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

God is a meteorologist

"In another in a series of notable pronouncements, religious broadcaster Pat Robertson says God told him storms and possibly a tsunami will hit America's coastline this year."

Wow, G-d told you America's coastline is vulnerable to storms?
Who would have ever guessed?
G-d is a true genius.

"Robertson has come under intense criticism in recent months for suggesting that American agents should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez."

How Christ-like.

Bag-o-douche of the day

In an article in Townhall, Nathan Tabor, a Congressional candidate from North Carolina, tells of "a pill which is supposed to help women who are harboring regret over a sexual encounter the night before."

The pill in question? Emergency Contraception.

This screams of...women who have sex should be punished!

Women who aren't christian virgins are whores!

Ignorant statements such as this imply that women don't and can't make decisions to protect themselves against pregnancy.

Sluts who can't keep their legs closed.

More brilliance:
"The gynecologists’ group employs this fuzzy reasoning for promoting morning after pill prescriptions: women tend to have sex on weekends. Maybe women also tend to have beer on Saturday nights. Does that mean their family doctors should load them up with six packs every time they come in for flu shots?

Um, what?
Is this guy for real?
You can always count on the Ridiculous Reich to make comparisons completely lacking in validity...or even intelligence.

Here's another gem:
"The abortionists know that if they can get women hooked on the morning after pill that they’ll have more support for their agenda—which includes abortion any time for any reason, anywhere."

Hooked? Oh yea, women get "hooked" on contraception, like heroine. We're junkies for 'em. We can't get enough, we shake and shiver for our hormone fix. If we don't get it, we rob liquor stores. We sell our children for our pills.

I mean, haven't you heard Tina the dime-store whore tell you her tale of hookin' for birth control?

What a baffoon.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hero of the Day

Illinois-Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) on Sunday announced in a release that the income eligibility limit for the Illinois Department of Public Health's Breast and Cervical Cancer Program -- which provides some uninsured women with no-cost screenings for the cancers -- will be raised from 200% to 250% of the federal poverty level, the Edwardsville Intelligencer reports.

The program provides eligible women between the ages of 40 and 64 with mammograms and breast exams at no cost, and it provides eligible women between the ages of 35 and 64 with no-cost pelvic exams and Pap tests.

Blagojevich's plan also allows eligible women who were diagnosed with cancer outside the program to receive treatment services at no cost. Such women previously were not allowed to participate.

The Governor's plan allows for uninsured younger women who have annual incomes too high to qualify but show symptoms of breast or cervical cancer also can be considered for the program on a case-by-case basis.

For this new step towards bettering women's health and for ensuring women access to all forms of birth control; you are my hero of the day.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Pre-Pregnancy Blues

Forever Pregnant
Guidelines: Treat Nearly All Women as Pre-Pregnant

This mysoginast, insulting and dehumanizing Washington Post article discusses new federal guidelines that ask all females capable of conceiving a baby to treat themselves -- and to be treated by the health care system -- as pre-pregnant, regardless of whether they plan to get pregnant anytime soon.

So...I am a pre-pregnant vessel.

A vessel existing solely to incubate feti.

Among other recommendations, women should also make sure all vaccinations are up-to-date and avoid contact with lead-based paints and cat feces.

I guess the next time I don't clean the litter box I can tell my boyfriend that I can't do it anymore because I am pre-pregnant.

Hey, federal guidelines said so.

Oh, and to note: seems the CDC report itself did not suggest that the only reason to keep women healthy is for baby-making.
Regardless, nowhere in the report does it give suggestions to men on altering their behavior.

Nowhere in the Post article either did it tell men, as pre-impregnantors, to watch their behavior so they can assure they have kept their sacred sperm healthy.

The Underbelly of the Beast

I have to be honest here.

I threw up a little in my throat upon seeing this beautifully mastered photo-op.

Is that John McCain standing next to the man he once dubbed an "agent of intolerance"?

Why yes, yes it is.

Seems McCain has forgotten that he once opposed intolerance and hate.

I will never forget what Jerry Falwell said post-9/11.
I onced thought that McCain wouldn't either.

Jerry Falwell:
"And, I know that I’ll hear from them [the ACLU] for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this [9/11] because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way-all of them who have tried to secularize America - I point the finger in their face and say “you helped this happen.”

Senator McCain visited Jerry Falwell's Intolerance University this week to deliver messages of unity, such as: "But let us remember, we are not enemies. We are compatriots defending ourselves from a real enemy".

My translation: Senator John McCain is the only enemy I see here.

When one is willing to turn their backs on their morals and beliefs to sway a vote...they serve the beast.

A Showdown in Jackson, Mississippi

The National Network of Abortion Funds reports that the Southern Abortion Fund and other groups will hold a week-long clinic defense demonstration in response to plans by Operation Save America (formerly Operation Rescue) to hold a siege on the Mississippi’s last abortion-providing clinic.

July 15-22, 2006 is the proposed siege week, and the Southern Abortion Fund and allies vow to keep the clinic open.

To find out more about the siege, please go to:

Currently, members of abortion funds across the south are planning for a caravan to Jackson, Mississippi for the demonstration.

You can support the counter-action by participating in the caravan and clinic defense; acting as a fiscal sponsor; helping raise awareness through publicity or letters to the editor; or donating money, water, food or housing for activists.

To be involved in any of these ways, please contact the Southern Abortion Fund at or the Jackson area NOW chapter at

Big Government: It's True Because We Said So!

This from Kaiser:

The Louisianna House Committee on Health and Welfare on Wednesday voted unanimously to approve a measure that would require doctors to inform women seeking abortion about the availability of anesthesia to "eliminate or alleviate the organic pain" that the procedure might cause to a fetus, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports.

Under Representative A.G. Crowe's bill, physicians would have to provide women seeking abortion with brochures saying that at 20 weeks' gestation, "the unborn child has the physical structures necessary to experience pain."

I'm wondering where he is getting this new scientifc information. Where is this empirical evidence?

Every report I have read states otherwise.

In this LiveScience article, "A review of medical evidence has found that fetuses likely don't feel pain until the final months of pregnancy, a powerful challenge to abortion opponents who hope that discussions about fetal pain will make women think twice about ending pregnancies."

The researchers reviewed dozens of studies and medical reports and said the data indicate that fetuses likely are incapable of feeling pain until around the seventh month of pregnancy, when they are about 28 weeks old.

The article was also published in Journal of the American Medical Association, and the conclusions were are similar to the findings of a British panel released eight years ago.

In addition, a panel commissioned by Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health has been researching the issue over the past two years and "reached the exact same conclusions," according to PRCH Chair Wendy Chavkin (Maugh, Los Angeles Times, 8/24).

Bills requiring that women seeking abortions be warned that their fetuses might feel pain have been introduced in Congress and 19 states, with such measures recently approved in Georgia, Arkansas and Minnesota, the New York Times reports.

Legislation in Congress, known as the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act (S 51, HR 356), would require abortion providers to tell women seeking abortion at 20 weeks' gestation or later that there is "substantial evidence" that fetuses can feel "substantial pain" during abortion procedures.

Again, what evidence?
What "substantial evidence", what "substantial pain"?
Seems that interest groups are dictating to our politicians what is/is not science.

The federal measure would also require doctors to read a government-issued script.

Now they are telling doctors what to say regardless of scientific findings?

The Reich script includes the statement, "The Congress of the United States has determined that at this stage of development, an unborn child has the physical structures necessary to experience pain" (New York Times, 8/24).

Is it just me or does this seem a little too Brave New Worldish? Matrix? Anything with government-funded cloning of Reich zombies is what I am getting at here.

Who in Congresss is a scientist who has conducted empirical, peer-reviewed studies of fetal pain?

Who in Congress has NOT been influenced and bought?